39.You're right

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Pablos Pov
A week later

I feel like shit, but no one can know about the whole thing with Bianca.
I had an interview today.
I hated being in the same room as the media, who hurt Bianca some weeks ago.
But it was part of my job, so I had to be there.

"Welcome to another press conference with the Barcelona players"

"A question for Messi. Any thoughts on the Real Madrid team and their performance this season?"

"I think Real Madrid players are talented, We have a history with the club but we're always happy to play against them, and the best wins"

"Is Bianca Messi coming to your game with them? We haven't seen her for a while"

"I don't know, you should ask Pablo that"
Great, Leo gave me the chance to explain the situation.

"Gavi any statements?"

"Well, we haven't really talked about the match or anything in general because I and Bianca aren't together anymore"
Silence, painful silence

"Now I would like to answer some questions about the sport that I'm playing please" I laughed awkwardly

Pedris pov
After the press conference, me and Pablo went to the parking lot to leave.
While we were getting in the car some paparazzi spotted and blocked our way to the exit of the lot.

"Pablo, why did you and Bianca break up?"
"Did you cheat on her?"
"Pedri are you talking Pablos side?"
"Did you guys fight with her?"

"We can't leave, they're in our way" I murmured and Pablo opened the window
What the hell was he thinking?

"Hey, go away. Haven't you done enough? Try again to hurt Bianca or my friends and I'll sue every single one of you okay?" He yelled and the media backed away

"They tried to hurt Bianca?" I asked some minutes later

"They did hurt her, multiple times. Leo found out first" he explained

"What the hell bro and you broke up with her? I don't get it"

"You don't understand! I was wrong about that okay? But you can't tell her that I told you, she doesn't know that I know too. Tell her that Leo told you"

"I won't but still I don't understand what the hell is wrong with you. I'm going to pass it just because of Bianca"

"Thanks, bro"
I'm still confused but all I care about now is Bianca. She must be so upset and sad.


I heard that you and Pablo broke up.

Sorry for not telling you earlier

Don't apologize
You had to be very upset
I get it
How about I come over tomorrow?

I don't know Pedri...
I'm a mess rn

I don't care
I want to be there for you
Also, I'll buy you your favorite ice cream 🙄
I'm your best friend
I know how to make you feel better

See you tomorrow then😘

Biancas pov
Pedri kept his promise.
The next day immediately after their training session he came to my place.

"Your dad told me about the bruises because of the paparazzi"

"Yeah..."I looked down

"You should have told me"

"My mistake"

"Hey don't worry about it. I'm glad that I'm here now and you're okay."

"Thanks, Pedri, your support means a lot especially after..."

"The breakup, I know. Let's not talk about it. Pablo is an idiot"

"I just can't believe him. We were more than fine"

"I know that he knows it too. I know that you're
upset but you must move forward, it's for the best"

"You're right, you're absolutely right"

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