63. Timing

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Pablos pov
I was a little worried, not about Bianca, She needed space and I trusted her with that, but for our relationship.
This baby thing is tearing us apart and I can't lose her, not now that we decided to start a family together.
Every time we fight I'm scared that we're going to break up eventually and I can't live with that. Sometimes I just wish that she would be mine and that could be sealed.
Wait, there is a way, but we're not ready.

I'm not thinking clearly, we're ready for the huge responsibility of having a baby but not for marriage? She's the love of my life, that's for sure, why do we have to wait for that too?

With this kind of thought I'm fucking things up more, she needs time and space and I'm thinking of marrying her?
What kind of person does that?

One thing is sure, I need to support her and let her know that I'm here for her more than ever.
I couldn't just mention the marriage thing when we're dealing with it already enough.
I would ask too much, the baby idea was mine, and I'm not okay with asking her for more.

Did she come back home?

She needed space, and time.
That could be days, weeks but she was here? Some hours later

"I'm sorry for questioning everything"
she was apologising? I should be the one apologizing

"Hey, baby, don't you dare apologize. You were upset but my behavior was so much worse"

"I just want a family so much and I got upset over the fact that it wasn't working right, I wasn't working right"
Don't cry, don't cry, I can't stand this

"You work perfectly fine, it just needs time"

"You still want a baby, right?" she looked at me

"Of course, I want a baby with you, I've made it such a big thing, I won't step back now that we're trying"
Was she thinking that I didn't want a baby anymore?

"I'm with you in this okay? We're both trying, don't give up on us"

"I'm not"
I was relieved by her answer

Biancas pov
I was relieved after we chatted with Pablo. I knew he was there for me, but I needed to hear it from him.
Now I was feeling more optimistic and excited
We both wanted a baby but we wanted more to work on our relationship.
We were still going to keep trying to get pregnant but with a limit.

"Well, well, look who is home" my dad teased me

"Hallo to you too" I smiled at my parents

"You decided to stop by?"

"I'm sorry for spending time with my boyfriend"

"Don't be, it's just, you're practically living together now"

"I'm almost 21, Dad" I laughed

"I know, I'm happy for you"

"I want to tell you something, guys"

"Okay?" my mom smiled

"Me and Pablo want to start a family"

"Really? That soon?"

"It's something we both want"

"You think you're ready for a baby?" my mom asked

"We do"

"Then we're happy for you guys"

"Just come by some days to say hi to your mom and dad" my dad joked

"I will, I promise" I smiled

"Have you been trying for a while now?"

"Some weeks"

"And still nothing?"

"I'm not like you Mom" I joked

"That's good I think" she laughed

"We're here for you guys, Tell it to Pablo as well" my dad smiled

Pablos pov

"Pablo, what are you doing here?" Messi asked me
I didn't know until I knocked on the door of Messi's house.

"I need to speak to you about something," I said
Was I going to do this?

"Sure, what's up?" we got into the living room

"It's about Bianca"
I said but he didn't look surprised or concerned

"I know about your plans of starting a family, I'm happy for both of you"
okay but how?

"Thanks but it's not that"
I wanted to ask how we learned about the baby thing but I needed to ask him something first

"I came to ask your permission"
He looked at me really confused, now I had his full attention

"Pablo, wait" he whispered

"I can't Leo"
I couldn't for real, I wanted to marry his daughter

"No, it's not that-"

"I want to propose to Bianca" I cut him off, I couldn't listen to his thoughts, he would deny it

"What?" a familiar female voice
I fucked up

"Baby? What are you doing here?" I asked shocked

"I stepped by to tell my parents about our decision to start a family" she explained, perfect timing "What are you doing here?"
She heard everything, she just wanted to hear it from me

"I came to"

"He wanted to ask my opinion about a proposal for your apartment" Leo saved my ass

"You asked my father's opinion about our house? Weirdo" she laughed

"Yeah, surprising he was really helpful"

"Should we go home together? I'm hungry"

"Yeah" I smiled

"One minute, I need to talk to Pablo about an event we need to attend with Barca, Thank you for your time sweety, come back soon" Leo hugged Bianca goodbye and after she left he turned to me

"You almost fucked up the most special moment in your life" he whispered

"I know, I'm sorry"

"You want to marry Bianca? I'm not asking you as her father"

"I believe she's the one for me"

"You're a good guy, Pablo, that's not enough for a marriage but I see the way you're looking at her and I truly believe you deserve each other, I'm telling you that as her father"

"So can I propose to her?"

"yes you can, just be very careful, and don't push her into this if you're not sure that she wants it as well"

"I hope she does"

"I know she does but Bianca isn't that easy so you need to be careful"

"Thanks, Leo"

"Good luck son"

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