Chapter 29 (Bitter Betrayal)

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Finally, I was left alone. At last, with my thoughts and doubts, I was crushed. I couldn't escape, even if I wanted to... Is this the end...? Is this the happy ever after I get? To be forcefully married to a villain, a man I hate and can't forgive!

I tried thinking about a plan to escape, but with a healing ligament, there was no point... I can't put any pressure on my leg as it would only slow the healing process. Eliot was sweet enough to carry me back up the stairs, but that is no excuse for how he acted towards me today. He is so cold and arrogant! I can't stand it! And the thought of being his wife is killing me slowly inside. Just imagining it makes me feel dizzy and nauseous.

Suddenly, I heard a quiet tapping noise on the glass window above me. I slowly looked up to see BENEDICT!!!  My hero! It can't be him, can it?! Am I dreaming? I pinched myself to make sure. Yes, yes, it is him!! I can't put it into words!!! How much I've missed him!

Benedict silently broke into the room with indifference without making the slightest noise that Eliot could hear. My love was standing right before my very own eyes.

-Sunshine!!! - Benedict exclaimed

-Benedict!! - I yelled out, - Be quiet, or he will hear you!

-Okay, my love. - he nodded, smiling at me

-I can't believe it's you! - I fell into his arms. This moment could have lasted for eternity. I never wanted it to end!

-Did he try to hurt you in any way?

-Your brother...? - I asked, pulling away from the hug


-You never told me he was your brother.

-I'm sorry, Diana. It was my mistake. I should've told you sooner. I didn't want you to freak out and leave me...

-I understand. I would have done the same if I were in your place... That means Gabriella isn't your biological sister?

-Gabriella? - he asked confused

-You might know her as Monica, but her real name is...

-Gabriella, I know. She's not. I don't understand why she lied to you about her real name, but she was mine and Eliot's childhood best friend. Well, that was before you met him.


-Don't worry. I never caught feelings for her. I only love you, Diana.

-..., - I blushed, - thank you

-For what? - he asked, raising his eyebrow

-For coming to save me! - I hugged him again

-Was Elliot cruel to you? - Benedict questioned breaking the hug, - I mean, did he try to hurt you physically? - Benedict asked

-Yes, thousands of times!!!! I tried my best to resist!!! You have to believe me!

-I believe you, dear. He's a real rascal... I know I shouldn't have left you alone.

-But you're here now... - I smiled

-Yes... By the way, were you able to find out who the murderer in this case is?

-I think so. But it might seem unbelievable to you! Even shocking!

-I'm listening, Diana. I know you wouldn't lie to me.

Those words from Benedict made me feel safe. Justice will prevail.

-It's your brother, Eliot. He created this play. First, he enslaved my mother. Then, he kidnapped me and killed those poor, innocent children. He used them to make me marry him," I said, holding back my tears.

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