Chapter 5 (Suspect)

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So we have only one suspect, Philip, I said

-How strange, Mr. Jones.

-"I agree with Kristina, it can't just be one suspect," said Monika

-"I know, but we don't know the whole truth, and it's possible that a group of people did it, not Philip alone," I replied.

-You are right because the other 2 children had a chance to escape from the scene of the crime and a group of people could have stopped them.

-I have to commend you, Kristina, you are very good at noticing the smallest details

-Thank you, Detective Jones

-I'll go to Philip, and you find out what weapons were used to kill the children, as well as their DNA, and don't forget to study the clues brought back from the police

-We understand, Mr. Jones!

Detective Jones and the FBI went to see Philip. The road seemed long and distant, yet unfamiliar. All the way to his house, she couldn't find a place to stay, something didn't seem right... Inside, Ms Jones felt crushed. She felt that the big end was coming, but she didn't know when it would begin. Why she felt this way, only she could answer... Outwardly, the detective knew she was brave because she had volunteered for a job that required patience, endurance, and determination. So what was it that got in her way...? Maybe fear...? Certainly not! This is not a game for five-year-olds, it is an adult game that she started together and will have to finish alone!

-Miss Jones, are you all right? - one of the FBI men asked.

-Yes, don't worry...

-"We've arrived," said the driver

The detective went to the door and knocked exactly 6 times, but no one answered. Then she told everyone:

-We will go through the front door, your five men will go through the back door, and you eight will stand outside and make sure that not a single person enters or leaves the building, do you understand...? - I asked

-Yes, Mrs Jones, I'll pass this on to my men, we're ready!

-We're like 3 breaking in! - I warned everyone. - One... Two... Three!

There was a very loud bang!

-The door is broken through! We're going inside!

-Panel Jones, there's nothing here...

-No matter what, you have to search for everything! Philip must be hiding here somewhere... - I said

After several hours of searching, we found nothing. Suddenly, I heard a strange cry! It was like an inhuman scream from the other world, calling me to come closer... This sound was coming from the closet.

-Open it! - I said

-"There's nothing here either, Detective Jones...

-"I'm sure I heard crying, there must be something wrong!

-We can only unlock the cupboard..

-Do so! - I said angrily

Behind the wardrobe was a small door that led to another room, but who was crying behind it...?

-Is there anyone here?! - I exclaimed

The room was filled with an eerie silence. I lost track of time as if day and night had merged into the same place, at the same time, in the same lost wasteland. In just a few seconds the screaming became unbearable! The hum of the bees, the babbling of the brook, the laughter of the children... Even such simple things were more reassuring than what awaited me afterward... - I noticed that one corner of the room was cluttered with large, thick, mottled fabrics. I decided to lift them up and see what was hidden beneath their surprisingly symmetrical patterns... - I froze in place, like a free bird struck by an idol. My face turned white, my hands shook... It was as if I had known this man all my life, so why did he become so close to me that second, if I was a complete stranger to him...?

-The poor man was tormented... - I said quietly and pulled the band away from the man's mouth.

-You know him, Mrs Jones? - asked the FBI agent

-I knew, I just don't remember where...

-"Wait... That's the park ranger, Alexander Desjardins," said the chief officer.

"And how could I forget!? It's definitely him!" - I thought silently in my mind

-"Detective Jones, we found a handwritten note next to his corpse

-"Give it to me," I asked.

-It can't be! - I screamed

-What happened, Mr. Jones...?

-It says I was late for the third time!

-Could there be some mistake?

-"It couldn't be, Sergeant...", I replied in a calmer voice

-Panel Jones!

-What... what happened...? - I asked

-"You've fainted again, Detective..." said Kristina, looking at the floor.

-"I said this case is too complex! - Monica retorted angrily, "I warned you both that Miss Jones had better stay out of these cases and take a vacation!

-Monika, I thought we were done talking about this topic... - I interrupted her


-"Enough, Miss Li, I am disappointed in you. Yes, my health may not be able to cope with such serious things, but when I die for others, I will know that I have done something for their well-being... Of course, you can have your own opinion, and I am always ready to listen, but if you, Miss Li, overstep your boundaries, I will be happy to remind you.

-"Excuse me, Detective Jones, I won't bother you anymore... Continue the case without me!

-What are you talking about, Monica...? - Kristina was scared

-Everything! I'm leaving voluntarily!

-You can't leave, Monika! I won't let you! - Kristina replied decisively

-' Let her go, it's her choice,' I said in a calm voice

-"Why didn't you stop Monica? - Kristina asked, - We need her...

-"I know, Kristina, I know...

-Perhaps you two should talk separately? That way you can settle your differences...!

-I don't think Monica will want to... After all, I hurt her so much with my angry, jealous words.

-You can try... I wrote that I'd meet you at Berta's café on Sunday afternoon... Monica may have had personal reasons for leaving her job...

-I'll go... We're finishing the case today and we'll resume it next week, on Monday morning... Go and rest Kristina," I said, hugging her.

-OK, see you later!

Doomed "to live"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ