Chapter 24 (Cruel love)

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Taking me by the wrist, he led me along the shore. The castle did look magnificent, but this is not my home and never will be...

We walked, I walked through the sand, it looked like I was waving!! It was like the sea, pulling me into the water and then releasing me on land!!! We turned left. High dunes, like an arid desert. We came to a forest. I really thought that he would leave me there to be devoured by wolves, but he didn't let go of my hand and continued to lead me through a meadow... It was full of wildflowers!!! How beautiful! I thought. I saw wild wind-swept, blood-red Poppies, sky-blue Nile Lilies, pink witch's broom-like Astilbes, purple Asters, silk-like Ashuas, bleeding heart-shaped Earrings, dandelion-like Oysters swaying with thorns, paper-cut Asian Buttercups, and other flowers of beauty... I wanted to be in the meadow, for all eternity, and never come back to reality.

We traveled through the city. Apparently, they are the inhabitants of the castle... They were so sad and poor that it hurt my heart so much that I almost fell down on the ground. But Eliot, felt no love for them, no respect, no hope, no pity... He moved on with me, ignoring the peasants' pleas for food, shelter, water, and money, begging for mercy... They were crying right in front of my eyes in anguish, and there was nothing I could do for their welfare. I am a detective, but I cannot exalt justice in cities like... the Land of Mercy. People reached out their hands to me, their eyes full of hope, and I was able to reach out my free hand and touch the palms of their strong hearts for a few seconds. Even though it seemed pointless and stupid, I knew that at least I could "do something"...

Her eyes were tearing with silver pearls. I tried to spend more time with the townspeople, but despite my strong attempts to escape from Eliot's grasp, I could do nothing. How can I free these people when I am imprisoned myself??!!!!

Oh, if only Benedict would soon realize that I'm here... Like a bird trapped in a cage, never able to go outside and be with the Sun...

That wicked man will have no mercy on anyone... If people do not obey him... He kills them like an executioner... before my eyes and revels in my fear and my fright.

How can one love a murderer like Eliot...? I don't understand... And we were still a couple... Such thoughts make me want to vomit... Fate is a true irony... A man you once loved dearly, in such a short space of time, can become your worst enemy...! And a true friend, the greatest traitor!!! If I had to choose who I should stay alive with, I would choose Eliot... Yes, I know... TRUE FREEDOM!!!! But nothing is scarier than a fake girlfriend...!!!! And for a scoundrel like Eliot... I have no words for him...

I see slender apple trees, green pears, ripe plums, colorful nectarines, big red strawberries, tiny tomatoes, little cucumbers, tiny strawberries, blue-diamond colored blueberries, a round pumpkin... We walked to the wooden gazebo in the middle of the garden. He told me to sit down on a wooden bench. I did so. I didn't want to get into idle talk with him. BUT HE... THE IGNORANT MAN TIED MY HAND WITH A ROPE TO THE WOODEN WINDOW!!!

-OW!! It hurts! You tied it too tightly!!!! - I wrinkled my nose

-"Not too much," he corrected, "don't think I'm so stupid. I'll loosen it and you'll run away...? - he sneered

-..., - I was silent and speechless. How does he read my mind before I think about it???!

-"Telepathy, sweetheart..." he said with a calm smile, still gazing into my emerald green eyes that I inherited from my dad.

-Shut up!!... Leave me alone!!! - I yelled, eyes filling with fake tears

-This trick won't work for you either! - he said mockingly, coming closer to me. He knelt down on one knee, and I thought for sure that now he was going to propose to me!!, - Wedding today...? - the idiot laughed, - why the rush...? Oh, yes... Let me..., - he wiped the fake tears from his face and traced a line with his fingers away from my eyes, moving his jaw and tying a strand of hair behind my ear, - YOU'RE MINE..., - he whispered in a despicable voice

-..., - I looked at him with the eyes of a lamb before a wolf  could eat him alive, and finally I spat in his face and turned my head away from him

-Why, you!!! Ha, ha, he, he, he, ha, ha, he, he, he," he began to giggle, clutching his stomach.

-... - I stayed silent, too afraid to speak

-Well, you've tried to get away with it... - his cheerful smile was overtaken by sadness, disgust and finally anger!!!, - now I'll show you what it means to disrespect me!!! You bastard!!! - took my phone out of my pocket and dialed someone else's number, - now you are going to tell your "ignorant boyfriend" that your relationship with him is over and that he will not call you or try to find you anymore!!!

-I won't say that!!!! - I defended myself

-...," he sighed, "how many times do I have to repeat it?"?!!!! YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!!!!!! This city is mine and you belong to me, okay?!!!!

-I am not a thing!! - I cried, knowing that now everything would be lost!!!

-When you cry, my soul dances!! But, shut up now!!! SPEAK!!!!! - he said sternly

-Goodness, Liliana! I've been dying to hear your voice! - Benedict spoke, - How are you doing? Why haven't you answered any of my calls...?

-B-Benedict, we need to talk... - I said with a whimper

-W-what happened...? Why are you crying?!! DID SOMEONE KIDNAP YOU??!!!!!

-N-no... I'm fine... I'm home.

-That's great! Hold on, I'll be there in a second!!!

-No, Benedict!!! Don't come to my house!!! - shouted, scared that Eliot might kill him

-W-why...? - he asked confused, - Liliana, I can see that you are hiding something from me!!

-I'm... I'm not hiding anything... - I cried, - It's over!! - I yelled, covering my mouth

-Wait, what?!

-We are over Benecit!!! I don't want to see you ever again!! - I whimpered so that he couldn't hear my cries and understand the truth!!!!


-O-o-okay... - Eliot snatched the phone from me. I looked at him with eyes full of rage. DOESN'T HE UNDERSTAND WHAT LOVE IS, AND WHAT JEALOUSY IS?!?! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him... An animal like Eliot will never understand what a little compassion is... What made him such a cruel monster...? Was it me...?

-Hello!!! - he greeted Benedict with a fake smile

-Who's talking??!! - Benedict asked, not recognizing the voice

-Eliot... Liliana's fiancé!! - he said bravely, looking at his fingernails and at my desperate tears, - Listen, I don't want you to be offended, but Liliana doesn't love you anymore, her feelings have been mixed up... How many days have you known her...?

-That is none of your business... - he answered

-Oh, yes! ONE WEEK AND 2 DAYS!! - Eliot answered himself, not caring about Benedict's response, -Sorry, old friend, but you don't deserve her. Love develops over years, months, not weeks!!!

"Listen, you animal, don't you dare hurt my girl!!! For I promise... I'll grind you into flour!!!!!

-How aggressive!!! Oh my God!!! Just Calm down, try something like meditation, therapy, and self-control...! Liliana is happier with me, isn't that right, love...? - he smiled menacingly, looking at me...

-N-NO!!! I hate you, Eliot..!!! - I sobbed out of my voice, - Let me talk to Benedict!!!!!! HEY! PLEASE SAVE ME BENEDICT!!! - I said without thinking of the consequences

-ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??!!! Why did you say that!!!?? Now that cheeky guy will come here to save you!!! - he yelled, preparing to slap me

-You're scared of him, right??!!! – I smiled happily, that I had a small chance of escaping Spain forever, - My Benedict is really strong and brave!! He will come to my rescue and tear you to shreds!!!!

-"Do you really think I'm going to be scared of that parasite? !!!!! - suddenly turning his powerful gaze away from me, "You're wrong Diana!!! - he said, quickly pointing the gun at my forehead, - I will shoot him right in front of you on our wedding day!!!

-W-what day...? - I said, barely audibly

-Wedding day!!! - he said boldly

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