Chapter 20 (Psychopath)

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Meanwhile, in a mysterious Spanish castle... :

-No!!! No way, you psychopath!!!!! - screamed a strange woman at the top of her lungs.

-You have kept your promise, but are you prepared to ruin her life? - came the husky voice of a grown man, muffled by the darkness.

-You promised not to hurt her anymore if I do your dirty work!! - she whined.

-How else? She was unfaithful to me!! - the man's voice changed. It became maddeningly quiet and barely audible, but not to a woman as proud and strong as Clara.

-You are wrong!! She was your pillar... Your wife!!!!

-How did you know, you snake? You dare to call yourself "MOTHER"!

-I had no choice but to protect her, just as your brother protected you!

-Don't mention my brother's name, you're not worthy of him!!

-I loved him more than my husband, which is why I left my daughter with him!!!

-You got my brother killed in the war! You witch! And you dare to say that you love him?!! Yet you dare to call me a psychopath?!! Rat!!! What did you do to him to make him worthy of your despicable life!!

-I found him on the battlefield and I took him in!!! I saved his life, and do you want to know how he thanked me for it?

-Who could be grateful to a peasant like you? - said the man with a sneer on his face.


-Don't mention that traitor's name!!

-Why would you call your own brother like that?

-Because of him, your daughter couldn't move on and live with me!!

-She was too young for such long distance relationship!!!! How can't you understand that, you murderer!!

-True... - he smiled, looking at her - I am a murderer, but those children were like bait to lure my beloved closer to me with that good for nothing!!

-What do you mean...? - she asked in astonishment

-I'll tell you alright. You see Clara, once I'll kidnap your daughter, I'll remarry her! She'll have no choice since she'll be far away from home with no one to help her... Who am I kidding? She doesn't have family or friends... My sweet Diana will soon be my queen. Our meeting will be extraordinary. I'll just look her in the eye and say "Didn't you miss me, darling?" And then push that despicable boyfriend off the cliff, right in front of her eyes!!!! Ha, ha, ha!!! Then she'll feel the pain I felt when her so-called "boyfriend" killed his own father!!!

-You are out of your mind Eliot! - the woman interrupted angrily

-Don't you interrupt me! - he shouted, kicking her in the face, - YOU dare to call me a PSYCHOPATH??? Ungrateful woman!!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!! - he spat on the floor

-You can't get back what you lost!! - she replied, - Even though you are the "Mighty Emperor of Spain" you have completely lost your mind!

-Only when I see Diana lamenting the death of her "dear fiance" will I feel happiness inside!! SHE MUST FEEL THE SAME WAY, WHEN I LOST EVERYTHING SO DEAR TO MY SOUL!!!

-You're insane, ELIOT!! My daughter will never forgive you for such betrayal!!

-Look who's talking NOW!! Don't forget that you contributed to this murder aswell!!! Should I remind you that every child has been kidnapped by YOU. You brought them right in front of my eyes. They begged for "mercy"!!! But I don't feel such thing as "mercy" for anyone, not even you!!!

-My daughter is strong, she will be able to forgive me!!

-How will she forgive you when you lied about your own death!! This poor girl grieved your death... She was traumatized, alone and most importantly heartbroken!

-I can't change the past...

-Yeah, that's what you all say. How do you think she'll react when she figures out that you're still alive and a huge liar!

-I know my daughter better than you, Eliot. She has a kind and forgiving heart. She will understand.

-That is really sweet, coming from a two faced person like you, Clara. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH SHE WAS SUFFERING ALONE, WHILE YOU WERE ENJOYING YOUR NEW LIFE WITH MY BROTHER?!!!!

-NO...!! It can't be!!! My lover can't be her... Her boyfriend!!!

-Yet, he is.

-No, no, no...


-I... I don't know!! - she cried, holding up her weak hands, - Let me see her just once!! I beg you! - she kneeled down, showing big respect for the emperor

-Yes, that's true. I did promise to show her to you, but not in the mirror, right in front of your eyes, my sweet mother in law! - he winked at her, - In a wedding dress!!!! - Eliot announced

-W-what..? - she uttered in disbelief, - She's getting married?!!!... To her lover, right...? - she asked carefully, filled with bitter tears in her heart and soul of the forgotten mother, knowing deeply the true answer, but still hoping to hear the opposite response...

-Yes, she is getting married to me!

- No... It can't BE. Please!!! Don't do this to her, you'll ruin her life!

-As if you didn't ruin it for her...

-My actions were wrong my lord, I should've never trusted you.

-It pains my heart to see that you only understood this now.

-I know my daughter, she won't except your proposal! Diana will choose Benedict the way I did once!

-NO!!! - he shouted at her, - Don't mention his name, because I'll cut your tongue off, understand?!!! - he asked threateningly

-Yes, dearly beloved Emperor Eliot! - said the woman, still kneeling on her knees, cried uncontrollably.

-All the clues lead to Spain, am I right? - he questioned her, raising his eyebrow

-Yes, my Lord... - Clarisa reasured him

-Perfect... - Eliot replied, - My darling, Dia will soon be right in front of me!! We have to prepare for her meeting, right Mom? - he asked, the woman sitting beside him

-Yes, my son! - she agreed, - What are you swaiting here for, you bitch?!!! Can't you see that my son and I are very busy at the moment.

-I-I-I'm t-teribly sorry for disturbing you, madam... - she bowed down to her

-I SAID GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!! - Eliot's mother yelled, spatting right in the face of the wailing, long-forgotten mother...

"Oh, Diana... Please forgive me, if you can... - she said, - Child, dear, just don't fly to Spain. You'll be doomed for the rest of your miserable life here, and you'll mourn... Freedom will be taken away... And what will happen to your Benedict, I don't know anymore..! Don't try to find me. For your own sake!!!!

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