Chapter 1 ( You're late)

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I remember it happened on a quiet Thursday evening. I was walking along side the park paths, enjoying the chilly wind running through my hair, when suddenly something changed. I saw three mysterious children. Two girls and one boy. They seemed happy and delighted to see me.

-Good evening, children!

-Hello, Mrs. Jones! - they replied

-Where are your parents? - I asked, trying to spot a grown adult in the distance.

Their passing psychotic laughter was swept away by the cold wind, followed by screaming. I felt as my heart almost jumped out of my chest. The encounter was so strange. I still hoped to see them again, but the children did not return. I waited for a couple of minutes and decided to go back to my apartment. All the way there I was thinking about what they said. I was late... Late to where? I can't understand. As I was unlocking the door to my apartment, I felt like someone was watching me from behind. I turned around but no one was there. I sighed, knowing it was only my silly imagination. Once I closed the door behind me, I heard the sound of footsteps running up the stairwell. I felt a chill run down my spine, I couldn't breathe properly. Then someone knocked on the door, I couldn't even move, I stood there frozen like a stone statue. I took a deep breath, and with my shaking hands opened the door to see those three children I had met in the park. They looked horrible. Torn and shredded, like a white sheet of paper. The wounds were deeper than I thought...

-W-w-what happened to you...??! - I asked in a shaky voice.

The room was filled with awkward silence...

Time seemed to have taken everything that was precious... The charm, the joy, the security and the thoughts of this cruel world...

-You're late, Mrs Jones... - the boy said


I woke up in a bed full of sweat. My heart was racing, I felt shivers run through by body. Everything felt so real that I can't put it into words. What kind of dream was this...? What does it mean? My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden breeze that blew into my room through and open window. I closed it and started thinking about what tommorow would bring me.


When I arrived at work, I overheard two colleagues discussing a new case.

-Good morning, what do we know about this case...? - I asked in a calm, relaxed voice.

-Morning, Mrs. Jones. The bodies of 3 children were found on the evening of 16 April in the Lily Park at around 6am. - said Christina
-They had been brutally murdered... - Monica said in a sad voice, looking at the photos of the victims.

My eyes darkened... All I could hear were the cries of my colleagues and a white light that invited me to come closer. I followed it, wanting to take a closer look at it, but I felt the finger of God answering me:

"Now is not the time..."

Everything faded. I felt cold water refreshing my face with pure coolness. I opened my eyes to see the worried faces of them.

-Are you all right, Mrs Jones...? - asked Christina

-Not really... Yesterday I had this crazy dream...


My colleagues looked at me terrified...

-Your descriptions match with the age of the children and the circumstances of the murder, Mrs. Jones... - said Christine, reading through the papers.

-I have to agree with Cristina... Maybe you should take a break from these cases, Mrs. Jones. We can't risk your health to win over a case. You know all people need a holiday, why don't you take one..? To get your mind of things. Me and Christina can take over the case.

-No way, Monica! - I replied angrily.

-Please, try to understand us, Mr Jones... - said Christina

-We can't do anything else, execpt let you on a break... - agreed Monica

-I refuse, Monica. I know that stress might be the issue, but I can't give up on thi case. Those children didn't deserve to die...- I replied decisively.

-You're right, Detective Jones, - Cristina agreed.

-Well, I'm not fond of your decision. I just want what's best for you. But who am I to stop you from doing what you think is right... - Monica said sternly.


-Sisters Izabel and Adele and their cousin Ben were found on the morning of April 16th, 6 AM. I wonder what they were doing this late at night alone in the park...

-Probably trying to run away from home. - suggested Monica

-Maybe, but that's not important for now.

-The bodies of the three children were found by the Park ranger Alexander Desjardins... - Christina said

-The girls' parents are Roza and Rajan Alarie. The boy's parents are Amélie and Pierre Melo - Monica added

-I'll go to the park's ranger and you two go pay a visit to the childrens' parents.

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