Chapter 4 (The sudden death)

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Monica knocked on Mel's door. She was greeted by a very thin and pale woman:

-Good afternoon, how may I help you...?

-Hello, Miss Josefina, I'm Detective Jones' assistant Monica.

-Hi. You're adjudicating cases and extolling justice, aren't you...?


-"You can go your own way... I've had enough of the police, nothing will change..." the woman said sternly, glancing angrily at Monica from one side to the other.

-"Wait, Mrs. Melo... You misunderstood me!

-And what's not to understand...? - she smiled. - You only promise to do justice, but in reality, you're taking all the money!

-This is not true...

-"You are able to see it clearly..." the woman retorted. - Listen, I'm not in the mood to talk to you as if nothing had happened!

-"I'll ask you a few questions and then I'll leave, please, Ilona... I need to get on with my work, whatever mood you're in.

-What are you going to do...? - The woman replied, looking straight into Monika's eyes as if giving her a death stare.

-When did you notice that Ben wasn't home?

-About 9 o'clock in the evening. I thought he had gone to bed, so I decided to prepare a birthday surprise for my Ben... Early in the morning, I received a call from the police. They said they had found my son dead...

-Who do you think could have done this?

-I don't know...

-Maybe you had enemies...?

-No, we haven't

-Can I speak to your husband? - Monika asked.

The room was filled with an uncomfortable howl of wind. Outside, you could hear the silent crawl of an ant in the meadows. Time seemed to stand still, there was nothing left but a silence that did not want to be shattered.

-"Sorry, but that won't be possible." said Ilona


-You see, my husband went out at 1:30 am to celebrate his promotion with his "friends".

-So late...? - Monika interrupted.

-How else? - replied Ilona, a little angry. - It's an acceptable thing in our family...

-"I understand, please continue.

-"I decided to have a coffee first thing in the morning. When suddenly I got a call from the police... I was informed that they had found my husband Osvaldas dead!

-What was the cause of his death?

-He was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife and later strangled...

-I'm sorry, you...

-I don't need your fake sympathy, Miss Li... All is lost... Please leave.. - Ilona said angrily.

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