Chapter 15 (The date)

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-Hi, how was work? No, no... Too "formal". Hi, do I know you? WHAT ARE YOU DOING, BENEDICT?! Isn't it so hard to talk to a woman on a first date? I'm too bad for her. She's already 20 minutes late. She probably won't come... And who am I trying to fool? After all, I've treated her like a little girl so many times! She's a grown-up woman, not a mischievous little bird... Yes...

-Do you like talking to yourself? - I giggled

-What? Liliana! Hello! These flowers are for you!!!

-"Oh, they're beautiful, Benedict..." I smiled

-I didn't know which ones to get so I decided to buy them all! - he smiled, looking at me with his big sea eyes. How fabulous he is... No one could ever tell the difference between this moment with him... It's like I'm falling in love all over again... Maybe it's a good thing that we met in this strange, unusual way...

-I don't even know what to say. Thank you.

-"Here, sit here," he pulled my chair away. I sat down and he pushed me closer to the table

-"You don't need to treat me like a princess. I know it's a bit hasty, but when you're with me, Benedict, please... - I sighed - be yourself and not someone else.

-"I'm lucky you're so understanding, Liliana, but you make me feel as if I should behave like a gentleman. - laughed

-Don't let this child die in your heart... I loved that naughty boy!

-Aha! You're just waiting for an opportunity to call me a hippocrat! What??? Ane?!! Admit it, pretty girl?

-... - I wept

-Silence? Hmm?

-I don't want to disappoint you, but you like to pretend, don't you? - I giggled

-W-what?! I don't work for a living! - he wrinkled his nose and turned his eyes to distant oblivion.

-"I know it's your first date and you may not even know what to say, but I... I love you!

-Do you really feel love for me?

-Maybe it's not love, but simple admiration? No one knows this truth. Only you know it.

-"Liliana, I start to see it clearly when you're around..." he slowly raised his youthful hand and his palm reached my face.

-... - I looked him in the eye with my incredibly trusting gaze with love, it's that simple.

I felt Benedict's rose-scented hands. His strawberry-coloured lips pressed against mine. I closed my eyes. Hope sparked in my dark, thought-ridden mind. I saw pink lights and a bridge. A cliff. The one we jumped together! A cold wind blew. But Benedikt held me tightly in his arms like a bird just born into the world.

My first wings were wounded, plunged deep into the stormy sea, and forgotten forever with the scream of a crane. Benedict filled me with the desire to fly upwards. TO TRY TO RISE AGAIN! I flew with him through the rusty clouds! I dove into the deepest recess of the Marianas and soared above the summit of Mount Everest to see the smiling sun one last time. She answered me: "You have become a woman. Not the one who was lost in her life, but the one who saw the charm of the world, in the most unexpected circumstances. The images began to fade. I closed my eyes. Benedict was looking at me, grabbing me by the waist!

-Are you all right, dear?

-What happened?

-You fainted... Does it happen so often at work?

-... - I pushed him away from me and turned my eyes somewhere else, to another world where I still wanted to live. - I don't feel like talking about it in such a public place.

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