Chapter 13 (Secret admirer)

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-"So, so... Who is your secret admirer, Liliana?

-"You don't know him, so I don't think I have to tell you! - I turned my tearful face and fearful eyes away from her

-Come on, Detective Jones, admit it!!! You told me!! - Monica started laughing

-"How could you, my friend, betray me to Kristina?!!!

-What?!!! And Monica knows that?! Well, tell me!! Please, please, please, please!!! - Kristina couldn't stand it in her own skin

-Come on, tell her! - Monica squealed

-...  - I wrinkled my nose - But we're not an official couple yet...

-NESVARBU!! Tell me! - Kristina cried

-... - I sighed - These blue roses are really beautiful, aren't they...?  - I tried to steer the conversation elsewhere

-NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! Stay on topic, dear! You can't escape! Hmmm... Maybe it's Adam? No, no. He's too young!

-What are you doing?!! Didn't you guess every boy's name?!!!

-"He's a boy?!!!" - Kristina couldn't believe it

-What are you still a boy for?!!! Have you lost your mind?!!! - I put my hand on my face, so no one could see my shameful eyes

-Go, both of you! Hehe...

-Don't laugh at us, Monica!!! - I looked at her, with pleading eyes

-Gerai... -He, he, he, he. I won't laugh! I promise!!! - I put my palm up in the air

-Thank you...

-"What did you say? - Monika asked

-No, no. Forget it, it has nothing to do with this topic.

-Is it about...?  - she scoffed

-What for?!! Dear colleagues, please tell me!!! My head is spinning... - said Kristina, looking at the floor in a daze

-"Liliana, don't be afraid... Share your joy and sadness with her, as you share with me...", Monika put her hand on my shoulder

-...  - I swallowed the anxiety I had built up - I know I won't always be able to hide it from you, Kristina, I... I started dating Monica's brother Benedikt...

-... - Kristina is speechless - ARE YOU MEETING MONICA'S BROTHER??!!!! When were you planning to tell me?!!

-Sorry I didn't tell you sooner... Just...

-"I'm sorry, Liliana," she hugged me, "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard.

-...  - I smiled - I am so lucky to have two very good and loyal friends like you...

-How long have you known each other? - Kristina asked

-Just a few days...

-Are you lying to me?!!

-No... Why would I lie to you?

-"I thought you didn't want to hang out with guys you've only known for a few days... After all, that's how your relationship with Elliot started..." said Kristina

-CHRISTINA!! - she was scolded by Monika

-Sorry!! I didn't think twice!!!

-It's hard to run away from the past, isn't it...? - I asked with eyes full of doubt

-How long have you been "running away" from this fake, stupid, adolescent love...?

-'All my life...' I said, looking somewhere far away. Where I felt safe... From all my problems - isn't life so perfect? Why is it always such a beautiful lie and death such a painful truth...?!!! REPLY!!!! - I looked at her, my eyes full of tears


-"Let's go, Kristina... Liliana needs to be alone..." said Monika calmly, looking her straight in the eye, as if she wanted to feel her guilt

-But I've talked so much!!! I need to be with her!!! I need to heal her grief!!!!!

-The person who can do this has recently appeared in her life, but she hasn't seen it yet... Come on - Monica put her arms around Kristina, her arms limp, as she walked down the dark corridor with its many turns

Little Elsie used to say:

"-If you're not ready to fly to a better tomorrow.. - DON'T. For you will have to fall down into the rocks of hell, where all souls are forgotten forever..!!!"

"Else, why do you say that? I'm 7 years old, but I still don't understand your clues..."

"When you grow up, my dear flower, you will understand."

She was right... There is a lot to be understood at a certain age. After all, each person is given a different destiny... It is chosen by GOD, or perhaps even by the man himself...? I could never know it until he came into my life... No, no... It's not Eliot, who made a huge mistake by leaving me to my fate... It's Benedict, who wants to love me with the same sky-blue eyes with which my mother first loved me.

Maybe I'm wrong... But they say it's human to be wrong, so am I wrong to think of him as more than a friend...? I know that I cannot open a new page in my life with Benedict before I have burned the past acquaintance with Eliot... I miss him... Even though we had only been married for four years, I was happy to have him by my side. He changed me. He shaped me into a different person. One that only he liked, not me.

I'm not saying that we were always just angry and in our marriage, there was no happiness... There was, but briefly... Truth be told, our love was unhappy and misunderstood, one-sided...

I remember the first wedding night. Eliot took me to see the drowning lights, in the vastness of the sky, in a wooden boat, where it was quiet, cold, but clean... THERE WAS NO ONE TO SEPARATE US!! What a terrible irony... He sailed, he sailed in the Mediterranean, to another country, far away from me.. Where I never saw him again. Where no one could smell our love, which was false, like the dawn of the morning, on a rainy winter evening...

Doomed "to live"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora