Chapter 19 (I hate you)

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One week later

-Hello, Liliana.

-Good morning, Monica. I heard you've recovered.

-Yes. I feel great. Do you know where Christine is? I need to talk to her.

-She is not here.

-How come she isn't?! Did she quit her job?

-No... She flew to Spain, permanently...

-What?!! It can't be!!! She was here... She was telling me about such beautiful dreams... And now... How am I going to admit that I'm madly in love with her? Christine said it first, but I didn't have time to react properly and explain everything!

-I know... She told me about you.

-What did she say?

-She wanted you to be happy without her.

-How can it be happy without her?!!!!

-Christine felt guilty about the incident a week ago. She moved in with her grandmother in Spain.

-But why didn't she tell me?!!

-She didn't want to hurt your feelings.

-I see...

-At least she managed to figure out most of the case! We spent the whole week together analyzing the case of Ben, Isabelle, and Adele.

-Do you know who's the killer?

-No, sadly not yet.


-Would you like to speak to her on the phone? I think she wants to hear your voice, Monica... - I smiled, handing over the phone

-You think so...? - she looked at me with sparkles in her eyes

I nodded my head, - Yes... No one could ever separate you from such a strong friendship, not even death. Now, take the phone...

-Thank you.

-Hi? Who is speaking?

-... - Monica stayed silent, she couldn't;t believe that it was Christine's voice

-Listen!! - Christine shot back angrily, - Are you one of those scam callers?! I'll call the police! I have a lot of work, I can't talk on the phone whenever I want...

-Hi I am... It's me, Monica.

-Monica?!! Is this a prank call?

-Does it look like it?! - she smiled

-I haven't heard your voice in a week...

-That's true... I miss you.

-We are not supposed to talk!! I need to get back to work, bye!

-No! Wait, don't hang up!!

-I'm sorry.

-Well, how did it go?

-Terrible. I won't go into details. All you need to know is that she hates me. Now, can we concentrate on the case and forget about this, please!!

-Ok, Monica.

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