Chapter 28 (Cheater)

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-Hey!!! What has gotten into you, Diana? It's like you're under his spell. - Gabriella stammered

-Nothing, old memories—I said truthfully

-Listen, I need to go to the kitchen and order food for tomorrow's engagement ceremony, so be helpful and don't leave this room. If you dare to leave,  you will regret it." she threatened.

-I understand your worries. I'll be on my best behavior! - I lied, crossing my heart

-I'm watching you!" she said with a suspicious look as she slammed the door in my face.

Is Gabriella that stupid to leave me alone? Strange. I decided to check the door. It's unlocked?!! WOW!!! She's foolish! - I laughed softly, feeling blissful. Wait, or maybe it's a trap? Okay, concentrate, Diana. The most important thing is to leave this castle unnoticed, but how will I do that when Eliot watches my every move? My gaze turned to the vintage wardrobe that was the centerpiece of this little room. "BINGO!" I thought with excitement in my eyes.

Perfect!! Now that I look like one of the maids of this palace, I'll be able to taste the smell of freedom. I carefully checked if anyone was guarding my door. Excellent, the coast is clear! I need to go down the stairs as quietly and carefully as possible if I don't want to make any suspicious noise.

As I slowly descended the stairs, I heard Eliot's voice in the distance. SHIT!!!!

-Are you sure she won't try to escape,  Eliot? Gabriella asked with crossed arms, feeling uneasy. After all, I left her alone, as you told me to!

-Don't worry, Gabriella, it's all going to plan!" he winked at her

I was only one step away from being free, but Eliot was in my way as always. What am I supposed to do now? I can't go back, but I can't let him see me... This is so unfair!

-Let me check if she's still in the room," pleaded Gabriella, not being able to take it anymore

-That won't be necessary. Diana isn't there...

-It can't be! Ugh! I forgot to lock the fucking door! I'll go and give her peace of mind!

-Calm down, that's why I installed security cameras to catch her!" he pointed at the ceiling.

I nervously looked up. There they were, glaring at me. I was defeated. Again. My life is pointless. Nothing that I do matters... My most complex attempts end up going in vain. He can see me, and I can only imagine his winning facial expression—that clever bastard.

-Come on, sweetheart, you can stop hiding now. We know it's you, DIA! Show yourself NOW! I order you!!! - screamed Elliot, making me shiver.

I wanted to cry. No, no, no. Please... Not this. It can't end like this! I'm still wearing this stupid costume! Why did I have to dress up as a maid? It is so embarrassing!! I could've picked any other outfit... But no, I just had to blend in with the crowd. Marvelous plan, Diana, simply brilliant! My hopes of ever escaping this nightmare have gone in vain. Knowing I had no choice, I mercilessly gave up on my will because I knew that it was a bad idea to stand in the way of Eliot and Gabriella. Likewise, people say, "Give a way for a stupid person to pass..." Once you start this dreadful game, it's better to finish it right away...

-Look, my lord!" Gabriella pointed at me

-Oh, would you look at that! I never knew we hired a new royal palace made... Did you Gabriella..?

-No, my lord. - she said smiling at him, I glared at her feeling jealousy inside my veins.

-Darling, even if you disguised yourself as a maid, you weren't able to escape! It's like what I always tell you... What's mine, belongs only to me and me only. - he said romantically, pulling me closer to him.

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