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Warnings: swearing

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Now loading Chapter 12. . .

Sam pov:

I pulled off my dirty boxers and then stepped under the water. I sighed in pleasure as the water ran down my body, I looked down at my chest seeing the Hickey's Colby left. It made me feel happy and pleased seeing how I had proof of being Colby's. I don't know where these thoughts came from but since presented all I've wanted is to be Colby's mate.

However the thoughts scared me and even though Colby's already confessed I was still scared. I sighed as the feeling of detection panged in my chest "Why can't I just tell you" I groaned to myself as I began washing my hair. I tugged at my hair groaning as memories of Colby kissing my neck caused phantom sensations on my neck. I washed my hair and got out of the shower quickly hoping the thoughts would stop.

»»------------4 years & 4 months------------►

I groan as the feeling of not having an alpha with me a whole heat. The reason because I'm dating Kat, now I do love her but not like she thinks. I know it's wrong but it's been distracting me from my feelings for Colby for about 4 years now. I've just finished a heat so my body hurts but also I broke my back seven days ago.

I got out of bed and slipped on my brace groaning in pain. I walked out of my room and went downstairs, I sighed at the scent of just alpha. Aaron moved out two years ago just leaving me, Jake, Corey and Colby. Speaking of Colby he was sitting on the couch on his phone "Colby?" I whimpered making him look up. Since getting with Kat he's not spent a heat with me, which I get.

Colby gave me a soft smile and opened his arms. Even if we don't get to heat and rut share he always gives me the aftercare I need. I carefully laid on Colby straddling him so my head was under his chin. "Hmm, alpha" I purred closing my eyes "Shhsh, I have you Sam" I whined balling my fists in his jumper, until I heard my phone ding "Oh, it's Kat" I said looking at what she said.

My heat was a week before hers as she was also an omega. This meant her heat started tomorrow as I finished today "Oh, what did she say?" Colby asked gently scratching my head "Oh, just that she was prepping for her heat" he hummed kissing my head. "Hey Sam..." I hummed "Do you miss us?" I looked him in the eyes "Yes" I answered truthfully being hypnotized by his eyes.

I teared up "Hey, Sam. Baby no don't cry" he soothed hugging me. "Please Colby, please can we heat and rut share again" I cried rubbing my face in his chest "Sam, you're with Kat" Colby said and I whimpered "But I-I love..." I began and his eyes widened sparkling "Yeah?" he said in a tone of 'go on' but my voice got stuck "I-I...I don't like her like that." I sobbed and Colby sighed.

I nuzzled back under his chin "Please heat and rut share. It hurts without you" I said sighing in relaxation as his scent covered me "It has to be you" I admitted to both of us. Colby chuffed and and I could barely feel his hand rub down my back brace "Okay, I will but you have to tell Kat and she has to be okay with it" Colby said and I nodded closing my eyes drifting to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later smelling food "Feeling better?" Colby asked still under me "Shit have you not moved?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah, you looked too peaceful" Colby said rubbing his nose on mine "Sorry, your legs must be dead" I mumbled getting up carefully and wincing slightly. "A bit but it's fine" He said standing up "Food" Corey yelled from the kitchen. I chuckled going into the room and grabbing one of the plates of sausages and fries "Thank you auntie Corey" I joked with him.

This joke hadn't been used in a long while but I felt reminiscent "You're welcome my boy" he joked back. "Yes, auntie Corey is back" Jake said grabbing a plate "Auntie Corey, no way. It's been years" Colby joked making us all laugh. I calmed my laugh and then went back to the sofa sitting down to eat. I was joined by Colby then Jake, to finally Corey.

I put on Netflix and put Big Mouth on, I quite enjoyed it. I finished my food as we watched the show then put my plate in the dishwasher along with my knife and fork. I then walked back to the Sofa sitting back down to finish the show. We ended up watching seasons 1 to 3. When I checked the time I saw it was time for bed so I turned off the show so everyone would make their way to their rooms. However instead of going to his room Colby followed me into mine.

I sadly pulled apart my nest and gave him his clothes back to be washed. Colby changed my bedsheets creating a washing pile, the sight of him helping me made me purr. He was taking care of me proving he was a good alpha "Thank you" I said once he was finished "It's okay, now relax and rest your back" I nodded smiling at him as I took the brace off laying down carefully "Want me to come back?" he asked and I nodded snuggling into my pillows.

»»------------1 week------------►

I bit my lip waiting for Kat, today was the day I asked about heat and rut sharing with Colby. "You okay brother?" Jake asked and I nodded "Yeah just waiting for Kat" I said and Jake nodded "Okay, well when you're done I want to film" I nodded at him and he smirked rubbing his hands together. "Good, see you later mwahaha" he said walking away and I gave a chuckle.

When I heard a knock I went and opened the door seeing Kat in some black skinny jeans and a pink crop top "You wanted to talk?" she asked walking in and I nodded "Yeah" I said gripping my back brace "So umm you know how me and Colby used heat and rut share?" I began and Kat nodded "Well I was wondering if I could share with him again" I asked quickly.

Kat stared at me "You what?" she asked and I sighed "I would like to share with him again" I said and she hummed "Okay so you're willing to share with him but not me?" she asked and I winced at the tone "Well I get very territory in heat, we tried once remember it didn't work" I said and she nodded. "Sam we've been together four years when are you going to get serious with me?" Kat asked and I looked away tearing up.

I sniffled "Kat I" I started but she hissed "No Sam be honest do you want to be with me?" I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out "I do love you but..." I said and she teared up "Not like I love you." Kat said and I gave a quick nod "You didn't fall like how you made me fall did you?" she asked and I shook my head "Colby?" I nodded at her "How long?" Kat asked.

I looked down "Sam?" she asked weakly "Since we were 14" I answered truthfully "You shared how didn't you get together? He's smitten by you" Kat said softly "Because I was scared" I answered a bit harshly "Why?" she asked back "Because we're fated and it scared me" I said and she grew quiet "Fated?" Kat asked and I nodded to which she nodded back.

I looked around and then explained why it scared me in a whisper. "Okay Sam, if you want to be with me don't heat and rut share" Kat said then looked down "But if you choose to heat and rut share we are over" I nodded at her "We can still be friends but give me sometime after." I nodded then held my arms out for a hug.

She hugged me "I hope you don't. I know it's selfish but I love and want you to myself" Kat said pulling Away "I'm just gonna go home to process everything" she said and I nodded walking her out "Okay, well ummm goodbye." I said smiling at her "Bye, love you" she said and the thought of saying it back made me feel off. It did every time but it's been getting worse recently.

Once Kat was completely out of sight I shut the front door. I then sat on the sofa silently reliving everything that happened as well as debating whether I was going to throw four years away. I wasn't sure how long I was there but when Colby walked in drunk with an omega I almost snapped. So instead of crying or hurting someone I walked out of the house and sat against the cold wall trying to bring myself out of my head.

Chapter 12 ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!

Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoyed this.

Let me know if you want a specific scene in this. (If I like it and it fits I'll add it)

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