Life of crime

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Blood splats onto the floor as the skin on my face takes brutal hits, one after another. The pain creeps onto my face and as I hunch over trying to stay aware of my seroundings, I feel a harsh boot to the side of my ribs causing me to fall to the floor. I lay there focusing on my breathing while spitting out blood onto the street floor. "Next time do as Lincoln says!" A grouch voice hollars at me, I don't respond as I hear there footsteps faded down the allyway. How did I get myself into this. I should have left when I had the chance. Stupid brother. Sitting up I lean my hands on my knees for support, I use my sleave to wipe away the trickle of blood from the corner of my mouth. Forcing myself to stand up hopin guy wobbly knees will have enough strength left to get me home.

After a painful half an hour I hobble to my apartment door, with shakey hands I twist the door knob allowing myself to sigh with reliefe. Not wasting anytime I hobble to the shower wanting to be rid of the dirt and blood, after some time of sitting in the shower I grab a towel to dry myself fo with before wrapping it around my waste. My eyes wonder over my masculine body, I don't have alot of muscle but I have some which helps make me look a little more intimidating. My eyes dart to each bruise on my body as if adding up the dots from a picture book. Letting out a long sigh I grab a small towel to ruffle my brunette hair in before leaving it to messily hang on my head. I turn on the tap before leaning my hands on the counter enjoying the peace, once the sink was filled I cup my hands scooping guy some of the water and patting it across my face being careful of my recent reminders of what I had done wrong.

After putting on a shirt and some boxers I lay my back down on my mattress hearing every tense bone in my body crack as I straighten my back, my eyes instantly want to shut once I pull the covers over me. My favorite place is my bed, it's what I look forward to through the day. Turning over to my side I let out a relaxed sigh as I hold the covers tightly in my grip as if they are at risk of being blown of me, I slowly shut my eyes allowing the darkness to over take me and enjoy the only peace I get.

"Here's your next assignment, all the info is in there" Lincoln says handing me a thin folder, I open it expecting a tone of info but only greeted by three lines and three photos. "Don't dissapiont me this time, I would hate to have to send my men after you again" he says threateningly, I tryed to hide the eye roll I couldn't stop myself from doing. Thankfully he didn't see, I focus on the info in my hands. "This is it?" I ask in disbelief, "yes, it will be an easy job don't worry" his words weren't the slightest bit comforting. My eyes scan over the words, 'Colt, 25, male. Hank, 24, male. Enzo, 25, male. Non related, business, company's, powerful, rich, dangerous' my eyes dart to the word 'dangerous'. Of course Linc had me doing the dangerous tasks instead of his precious minions.

The three small photos that hang in the folder catch my attention, the first one had the name Colt under it. He didn't look like someone you would want to mess with, his eyes looked like two dark holes with nothing in them, no shine. His black hair folded over at the top, it looked perfectly neat yet suited his mafia look. Light stuble traced along his sharp jawline that led my eyes to a python tattoo wrapped around a rose snaking up along one side of his neck. The next photo had Hank written under it, he had a darker shade of brown hair than mine, his hair was a little longer than Colts but still didn't go past his jawline. I notice a scar on his left cheek thank goes inwards fallowing his cheek bones, his eyebrows arched angrily as if he was just insulted greatly, however his emerald eyes soften his expression. The third was obviously Enzo, his dirty blond hair sat perfectly messy on his head with odd strands hanging over his face, his ice blue eyes made me feel cold, like the other two his jawline was as sharp as a knife. I notice a piercing in his right ear, and left eyebrow.

For unrelated guys, they certainly are the most hottest guys I've ever fucking seen. I shake the thoughts out of my head before grounding myself and focusing back to my task. The lack of info was worrying but It was either this or Lincoln taking a knife to my throat. "There's a small black flashdrive with a white stripe on it, get it" his demand slightly took me by surprise, usually he had demanded so much more than a flash drive from his other targets. I wonder what's on the flashdrive. "I suggest this done by thursday" he says gruffly before walking away. Wait what! That's in two days, "Don't dissapiont me, Seb" his tone held a dark threat that sent shivers down my spine. I swallow my fear before walking off with the file in my hand, I'll go back home and do some more research before I do anything else.

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