Chapter Fifty-Six : City So Clean

Depuis le début

   "Your quiet, your calm, no fighting, and do not draw anymore attention to yourself then you already will when you walk in." Gally told us and we nodded.

   He took that and opened the door, allowing light to fill the tunnel, stinging my eyes because it was brightbrightbrightb r i g h t t t t. Thomas walked through first, glaring at Gally before walking through to the other side, getting mixed around in the group of people engulfing him. I started to walk through too, but I suddenly felt Gally grab my shoulder and force me to look at him.

   "Don't do anything stupid." He whispered harshly at me but I glared at him, attempting to rip myself away from his grip but he just tightened it. "I mean in."

   "Touch me like that again, and I'll rip your throat out." I growled. "I've killed you once, you know I'll do it again."

   "Yeah, I know what your capable of." He said harshly back in return, finally releasing my shoulder and walking forward to meet up with Thomas. I did the same, ignoring whatever the hell that iteraction was.

   The first thing I noticed when I walked out was that there were somanysomanysomany people here in a large crowd. The trains zoomed by on their tracks, leaving nothing but a gust of wind in it's wake. I looked around at the crowd, my eyes scanning their faces and my ears picking up every little sound. The clacking of shoes against concrete, people muttering to each other or themselves, the screeching screeching 
s  c  r  e  e  c  h  i  n  g   of trains braking to a stop. It was almost too much.

I felt like I was losing my mind.

   Half the people wore masks, the other half felt perfectly fine walking through the streets unprotected. Gally lead the way while me and Thomas stuck together behind him, but we didn't look at each other. Well, I didn't look at him, that is. Thomas couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of me, and he almost ran into multiple people because of this. I think he was worried about me, he was always worried for me. That's what I hated about him. He worried about me.

He actually cared about me.

   "Come on." Gally said, walking forward a little faster to a set of stairs, climbing up quickly while me and Thomas continued to follow.

   The crowd started to disperse to their own things, some people waiting for another train, others heading off in their own directions. We climbed up to the top of the stairs, walking forward until the group of people behind us had completely gone off to their own thing. Gally turned back to look at me and Thomas one more time before looking forward, pulling our attention with him.

And I was genuinely shocked.

   When I was last here, the city was a complete mess. There were broken roads, broken buildings, and broken people. Rioters would stride through the streets, people would cower in fear, and soldiers would beat the shit out of anyone who would step out of line. I was one of those soldiers, but I never beat anyone I didn't absolutely have to. There were people who raped and people who robbed, and I would deal with them with terrible wrath. But nothing compared to the people who I caught abusing their children.

The pain I dealt them is pain too horrible to explain.

For obvious reasons, I did not tolerate abuse.

   But now the city seems new, as if it were just taken out of it's carefully packed box. The buildings stood above me like pillars of stone, shining of blinding blue light that forced me to squint my eyes. There were no cars out, but there were pristine roads that told me cars were here somewhere out of sight. Out on raised tracks, a train zipped its way through the buildings with no care in the world.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant