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"P'phayu I'll never broke up with you, believe me"

" so why you said that "

" Just to tease"

" is it funny for you to make me worried like this " phayu voice is calm but scary

"No no I'm sorry, let me explain " rain panicked

"I'm listening go on explain "

"When i read the mail, i just realised that i will be very busy and probably not having so much time for you for the first months, it's not i want to broke up, what I wanted to say is that, you may be very jealous since I'll be working with a lot of alphas around me and not being home often so you shouldn't broke up for that, I'll always find time for my P'phayu, I'm sorry i made a mistake. I twisted my tongue it's we shouldn't broke up because i really need you I can't do this alone" rain said not breathing

Phayu took a step back trying to regulate his heartbeat, he was holding his breath now he's on the verge on fainting...

"P'phayu are you okay " he asked so worriedly seeing his man turning white

"I'm fine I'll go put some water on my face I'm coming " he went to the bathroom leaving rain there,

Phayu sat on the bathroom for more than 30min just catching his breath, the panick he just had earlier was too much to hold now he doesn't want rain to see him trembling like this, so he stayed in the bathroom calming himself...

Rain starts to feel more and more guilty, this silly boy just said something that could have killed phayu right then and there in front of him. Phayu's love for him is beyond what he can imagine, how can he survived without him.

Rain went to knock the bathroom door to check on him.

"P'phayu I'm worried are you okay" he can't get in phayu locked the door

"P'phayu open the door please"


"P'phayu please answer me" rain starts to cry knocking the door so hard

"P'Phayuuu P'phayu I'm sorry open the door" he cries more and more

Phayu stood up, he feels much better after putting the cold water on his face and finally opens the door just at this moment rain was leaning on the door he fell on his arms.

"P'phayu I'm sorry" he sobs

"It's okay don't cry, you have to be happy you received a good news"

"But i didn't mean to said it like that p'phayu" rain can be very clumsy and sometimes too honest but he really didn't mean it that way

"I understand let's sleep, you have a lot to prepare" phayu voice is still cold and rain can feel it

"P'phayu is angry at me"

"No I'm not angry just tired"

Even if the tone is calm but the sweetest on his voice is not there that made rain feel more guilty. He doesn't say anything just went to bed cuddling his alpha, his scent making him sleep so fast....

The next day phayu woke up first, gets ready and left even before rain, he left a note saying "I'm going first, i have a busy day don't wait for me for dinner"

Rain read the note and his heart clenched. What can he do to make up with phayu. Phayu has never been angry at him to the point he doesn't want to talk or be home early.

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT [PhayuRain]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz