☾Chapter Sixteen☽

Start from the beginning

"I've already fallen in love with this baby, and it's in my best interests if you and I are on good terms."

I raise an eyebrow, my hand tilting Titus's face up so I can look into his eyes.

"What are considered good terms in your mind?" I ask slowly.

Titus stands up. "We have a friendship at the most," He answers.

I nod my head in understanding, my search for my clothes resuming.

I'm willing to abide by his rules, but what happens when I find my mate? If I even find him!

If my mate exists, I'm going to have to break the first rule. Plus, my mate might not even want me considering I will have a baby here in twelve weeks.

"I want you to also pay attention to the fact that I haven't found my mate yet," I state as I pick up my dress, undergarments, and flats.

Titus stiffens. "It's not going to be easy sharing you with another man."

Sharing me?

"No, I'm not being shared with anyone. I'm going to be with my mate and you'll have to deal with being just the father of my child in my eyes," I answer stubbornly.

Walking into the bathroom, I close the door behind me, ending the conversation we're having.


My father nearly attacked Titus when I walked into his office with him, and, if it weren't for me being there, he would have definitely succeeded.

"Did he hurt you, Mira?" My father asks as he tugs me to his side.

Quite the opposite actually, I think as I shake my head.

"She's pregnant with my child, Dmitri. When are you going accept that?" Titus growls, his arms crossing over his chest.

My father steps forward, silently initiating a fight. "I'll accept that when you get out of my daughter's life and stop putting her in danger," He fires back.

I step between the two powerful men, completely fed up with their bickering.

Turning to Titus, I point a finger at him. "You, stop fighting with your king," I then turn to my father, "and you, stop oppressing the father of my child. I don't care if you are enemies."

Both men stare at me, completely shocked that I'm willing to give such dominant and influential men commands.

Then again, I am their queen and I'm more powerful than Titus.

My father takes in a breath to calm himself. "What were you doing with Titus, Mira?"

I glance at Titus, my head falling to the ground.

"Would you believe me if I said just talking?" I ask hesitantly.

My father shakes his head, his fist balling together tightly as his eyes take on a red hue.

Now you've done it, Vladimira!

"Tell me, Vladimira or I'm going to force it out of Titus," He threatens gravely.

I straighten my shoulders out and raise my head to meet my father's eyes.

Queens do not fear the consequences of their actions, I think sophisticatedly.

"We had... relations," I breathe out.

Everything happened so fast.

One minute my father's standing behind his desk, the next minute he has Titus on the ground, his fist pounding into his face repeatedly.

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