His lips brush against my flushed cheek. "You are so hot when you're mad." He runs his hands over my shoulders, kneading the tension in my neck. "But he's right about the time, I'm going to be late if I don't shower now."

Huffing, I fold my arms across my chest with a pout. Great. Now I'm going to be worked up the whole fucking day.

He chuckles at my expression, kissing the back of my head. "Wanna join me?"

My head perks up and I twist my head to look up at him with a devilish grin, slowly pulling him toward the bathroom in the hallway.

|| ✨ ||

I sit in the living room, waiting for the two of them to finish getting ready. My hair is in a messy bun on top of my head and I'm wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of Levi's hoodies to keep warm. The apartment feels so quiet without their nine-month-old puppy, Abby running around anymore.

Apparently, a few weeks ago, a neighbor from a few floors down complained about a dog barking in the building and the landlord came snooping around. She's now comfortably living the life with Nico's parents where she has a massive backyard to run around in. But I still miss cuddling on the couch with her.

A single glance outside confirmed my suspicions that it snowed a ridiculous amount in the middle of the night. It'd only started flurrying when Hallie dropped me off but now there's at least a foot of snow on the ground.

Even now the snow plows rumble along the streets down below, shoving the snow onto the side of the road.

Hard to believe it's already the end of February. The last month has been nothing short of blissful and exciting. We officially got back together shortly after his Swim Meet where we all wore matching shirts with his abs on them. That night, in fact, he took me to dinner and asked me on a date.

We've spent the last month getting to know each other while also putting a lot of our focus on our other priorities. For him, his swimming, obviously. But I've made my schoolwork a priority. I know, who would have thought, right?

He's afraid of birds, something he's mentioned a few times, but the story about how one of them tried to build a nest in his hair when he fell asleep outside will forever make me cry from laughter.

The main thing is that while we've been together, we understand that we can't physically be around each other all the time. Hence this morning. I finished my assignment last night before the cut-off and bribed Hallie to drive me over here at almost midnight on a Friday.

His parents are definitely still an obstacle that we're slowly getting over. They still don't like me and see me as a distraction and a bad influence. Boo-hoo. But they're attempting to settle their difference and try. His mother even invited me to grab coffee with her one day. I haven't agreed yet, Levi just told her I'd think about it.

My parents on the other hand are a different story. Dad tried to play off Thanksgiving like it was no big deal and wanted us to come over during Spring Break to make up for it. I told him no flat out. Unless he's willing to show his effort, I'm no longer interested in spending time with him. I left Wren to decide for herself but ultimately she sided with me.

Paige is like a ghost. She keeps to herself mostly. Wren said she offered her a ride to school the other day and she asked if she was dying. I don't talk to her. I've let her go. We can be civil in front of the kids and Henry but as far as I'm concerned she's that odd family member you're forced to see but stay far away from.

Henry is amazing. He's already visited. He wanted to meet Levi once he heard we'd gotten back together. The two of them got along so freaking well they started ganging up on me, telling each other some of my most embarrassing moments.

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