Chapter Thirty

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"Look, I get it." My English professor paces across the floor of the lecture hall. "College English classes are boring but these are your most informative years!" she exclaims, raising a fist in the air for emphasis.

My whole body leans forward, giving my arm leverage on the table to hold my head up as she drones on. Hiding my face in the crook of my arm, I let out a huge yawn, blinking the moisture away.

"Either way, I want your first discussion board post started today," she adds, perching on the edge of her desk, dangling her leg in the air. "You have until Friday eleven fifty-nine to answer two fellow classmates." I sigh, the heel of my palm digging into my cheek. "And make it creative guys, I don't want boring answers." She checks her watch and stands up straight. "Dismissed."

Thank fuck. Surging to my feet along with the rest of my classmates, we quickly file out of the lecture hall.

"Perrie!" I twist to face Andy, one of Jonah's buddies, and see him with a hand in the air as he exits the classroom across from me. "You and Jonah going to Happy Hour at O'Connors?"

Shaking my head, I start in the opposite direction. "Can't tonight, have plans!"

His eyebrows furrow in confusion, his hand still in the air even though I'm already turning the corner. I pull my coat closer to my body, walking against the windy chill. I've got about twenty minutes to make it across campus and to get to the Aquatic Centre. If I speedwalk, I might be able to grab a cup of coffee from Coffee Buns.

Making my way into the main quad, that idea dies quickly. A crowd lines up outside Coffee Buns, people brave the cold weather, huddling close to one another while waiting.

Not worth it.

Coming up to the library, my lungs start to work overtime. My pace slows, my chest heaving in response. God, this is what I get for doing impromptu exercising. My mouth feels the same as when I wake up super hungover, dry like cotton balls.

Reaching for the phone in my backpack, I don't see ahead as I crash into a body. I suck in a sharp gasp, my hair flaring around as I face forward. Levi grins down at me, his hands already creeping along my waist. "Hi Peeps," he whispers, kissing me before I can question what he's doing here.

I'm already breathless when his lips cover mine in a hungry kiss. Feeling bulky with my coat and backpack on my shoulders, I settle by grabbing his shirt at his waist. Opening my mouth, his tongue explores, no doubt tasting the jelly beans I snacked on during English.

One hand comes up to rest against my jaw, rubbing soothing circles along my cheek.

Sucking in a breath, I instinctively push away from him. "Hang on," I say, pointing a finger at his chest and ignoring his pouting lips, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be warming up for your swim?" I ask, my tone becoming more frantic with each word.

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