Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I stood on the Saints front porch with a smile on my face. Mrs. Saints squeezes my bicep, whispering how lovely it was to have my sister and me there—whispering about how she can't wait to see me again soon.

And I smile through it all.

Wren is silent, picking up on my suppressed emotions but not questioning them in public. Levi is quieter than I am. His words are clipped and hard as we say goodbye and leave. Wren runs a nervous hand over her freshly cleaned stainless blouse while pulling her coat tighter across her body.

With another smile and a wave, Levi tightens his hold on my hand and leads us to his car. My smile drops and it's the same feeling as taking off your bra after a long day, relief.

Levi opens my door for me and I offer him a nod of thanks. Before I slip past him, his fingers grip my waist and he pulls me into his side. Furrowing my eyebrows, I give him a questioning look. He doesn't say anything but simply presses his lips to mine lightly.

I lean into his warmth, tilting my head to deepen the kiss not caring if his parents are still standing there. I could not care less about what they think of me anymore, they've already decided.

His thumb brushes against the bare skin under my shirt when he pulls away. "Thank you for coming tonight, I'm sorry about the constant questions."

The corner of my lips lifts into a rueful smile. "They're your parents, Superstar, I'd be concerned if they didn't ask a thousand different questions," I say lightly, pressing against his chest so I can get into the car. He shuts the door, rounding the car to his side.

Wren's already sitting in the backseat, staring out the window at his parents still standing there, watching. I smile and wave. "They fucking suck," Wren speaks up.

"Yes," I say, the smile still on my face, "they really fucking do."

Levi opens his door and climbs inside, starting the engine and immediately switching on the heater. "Wren," he says first, shifting in his seat to face her, "honest opinion, what do you think of my parents?"

My head whips to face her, eyes wide. Naturally, Wren offers him no facial expression. Her eyes dart to mine infinitesimally. "They're very present in your life," she answers cooly, "And your mother is good at doing laundry."

Levi chuckles and turns back to the front, pulling away from the curb. "Both facts." I nearly sag against the seat in relief. Wren is ruthless, we're lucky here. "How do you two feel about making one more stop?"

My lips twitch into a grimace. Please no more family members. "What kind of stop?" I ask suspiciously.

He grins over at me, grabbing my hand from my lap and moving it to his, holding tight. "The kind that has good food. Homemade good food and not catered like tonight's dinner," he says, pausing at an intersection, waiting for our responses.

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