Chapter Sixteen

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Fifteen minutes before class on Tuesday, I'm hiding behind a bench

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Fifteen minutes before class on Tuesday, I'm hiding behind a bench. The main square on campus is full of students bustling between their classes. And I'm hiding behind a bench.

Granted, it's only been fifteen seconds but that hasn't stopped people from giving me weird stares as they walk past.

A textbook slams shut next to me. "You know, as much as I love hiding behind a bench and staring at some guy's ass crack, this is becoming a little pathetic," Nova comments sarcastically. She's kneeling on the grass next to me while slipping her textbook into her backpack.

"Can you not, he's right there," I hiss, peeking over the bench, and around the guy that is sitting there. His pants are a little low hanging.

Nova levels me with a flat stare. "Oh no," she whispers mockingly, "I hope he doesn't hear us in this crowded square," she finishes, her voice growing louder with each word.

Pulse jumping, I slowly look in Levi's direction and see him talking to a few of his friends further along the main pathway opposite us. He's fiddling with his phone, not really paying attention to his surroundings.

Once I'm positive he and his friends haven't spotted us after Nova's outburst, I turn to glare at her. She stares back, unflinching. "Do you want him to see us?"

She raises an eyebrow, making herself comfortable on the small patch of grass we're crouching over. "Let me see if I have this right." She holds up one finger. "A hot as fuck guy dropped you off at home after you got drunk and fell down some steps," she lifts another finger, "Then he texted you twice to see if you were feeling better and you ghosted him." She pauses, tilting her head. "Am I supposed to feel bad for you?"

"I hate you." She kisses the air between us.

She pulls out blades of grass. "So you said some crap about your family, so what? Everyone has family issues. And if they say they don't, then they're in denial." She makes a circular motion in the air with both hands. "It's the circle of dysfunctional family life, Perrie."

Leaning back, I accidentally hit my head on the wooden beam of the bench. I hiss at the contact. While the tenderness of my swollen head injury from last week is gone, the bruise is still there and it's a little sensitive.

"Jesus Christ, you are going to have permanent brain damage at this rate," Nova murmurs, placing the palm of her hand over her face. The guy on the bench hiding us moves to stand. Leaving us completely visible through the slats.

I immediately twist my head away, leaning my head down.

This. This is a new low, even for me.

Nova glances at her watch. "Shit, I'm going to be late for class." She carefully moves to her feet, keeping an eye in their direction. She's now in a crouch when her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why the hell am I hiding, he's not after me." she stands, brushing the loose grass off of her jeans. "Good luck."

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