Chapter Seventeen

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"She was robbed! She deserved that Oscar and everyone knows it," I argue loudly, pointing a finger at Danny, the theatre student known for his parties on the outskirts of town

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"She was robbed! She deserved that Oscar and everyone knows it," I argue loudly, pointing a finger at Danny, the theatre student known for his parties on the outskirts of town. "You cannot tell me that Miss Flo did not redefine the character of Amy March."

Danny folds his arms across his muscular chest. "I'm not saying she didn't deserve it but you can't tell me Laura Dern isn't a great actress who deserved that win just as much."

I sigh, throwing my arms in the air. "Laura Dern is incredible, we all know this but Florence had the better dialogue, she stole every scene she was in," I explain, imploring him to agree with me even though he's got the biggest hard-on for Laura Dern, "Acting like a child you wanted to dropkick? Check. The lip wobble she does in every movie? Double check."

Danny glares down at me as we walk past a few people on our way to O'Connors on Friday afternoon. We're meeting some friends there. "You cannot justify a lip wobble as Oscar-worthy."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Try me." I would die for Florence Pugh.

Danny's eyes lose their annoyance as he shuffles his feet. "You're a pain in my ass," he concedes, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I smile victoriously. Having the last laugh, he tightens his hold and messes up my hair.

"Ugh!" I yell out, shoving him off me and getting into a fake karate pose I've seen in too many movies. "I will kick your ass," I threaten calmly.

He holds out his palm and curls his fingers to his palm beckoning me to come to him. I kick out my foot and Danny braces himself.

"Perrie!" A voice calls out and I freeze with my foot in midair.

Turning my head sideways, I spot Nico walking over with Beck at his side. Oh fuck. Danny's eyes widen as they take in who's coming this way. "Holy shit," he whispers, straightening himself.

I turn my wide gaze on Danny. "Run," I whisper, "Save yourself."

My words don't need to be repeated, Danny's out of there in seconds. He glances over his shoulder once before picking up the pace. I twist around, shooting Nico a friendly smile, trying to stop the urge to throat-punch Beck right here in public.

Beck's wearing a pair of black pants and what must be an expensive sweater that's pushed up his elbows leaving a few of his tattoos on display. "Hi Perriwinkle," he greets, a sloped smile on his lips.

My lips curl. "Dick."

Nico's lips purse comically. "O—kay, you two know each other?" He asks lightly.

I offer Beck a fake smile but answer Nico. "Unfortunately." I'm not about to go into specifics, I don't have the time nor the fucks to give.

Beck slips his hands into his pockets casually. He nods toward me. "What's up with your hair?"

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