Chapter Two

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Music blares from the speakers set up in the Irish Pub we wander into later that night

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Music blares from the speakers set up in the Irish Pub we wander into later that night. O'Connors is a relatively small bar located on one side of Chesley University.

The other bar, Smiley's, sat closer to Greek Row and was frequented by the people who cared about their images because of the people found there like the entire athletics department, the frat brothers, and the sorority sisters. And that place was notorious for being carded regularly. On the other hand, once O'Connors reached a certain capacity, the bouncer simply let you in.

Hence why we tended to avoid that area as much as possible. I know, I know, hypocrites against Greek Row while in a sorority? The horror. But sometimes you do things because your delusional best friend of half a day convinces you that it's good for your future...whatever the fuck that means for me.

The music from O'Connors came from whoever got control over the metaphorical aux cable that came in the shape of Jeremy, the owner/bartender. Who couldn't cue up a decent playlist to save his life and instead duck-taped an iPad to the wall next to the bar that had Spotify open at all times.

Pre-duck tape, someone tried to steal the iPad and ended up getting tackled by a bunch of theatre kids.

Nova purses her purple lips, her eyes scanning the crowded place. Classes didn't start for another week but for a lot of students who lived off-campus, O'Connors was their haven.

Sure it had its fair share of weirdos and creeps but what bar didn't? This place was pristine in my eyes, untouched by frat bros and smelly athletes. And thankfully, everywhere those people went, the other sorority girls followed, leaving the rest of us in peace.

Hallie struts in with a carefree smile and a loud hello that is drowned out by the music. Even with the drowned-out greeting, gazes immediately swing in her direction when she bounces around the entrance, trying to make her way to the bar.

Nova grabs my hand and in return, I hold Hallie's as she pushes through the crowd to get to the bar.

I lean my elbows on the bar and give Jeremy a wide smile. "My favorite ladies, how was your summer?" he asks, grabbing the necessary items for our drinks. And by necessary, I mean a bottle of tequila and some limes. We may frequent this place a little too often. "I thought I was going to go out of business over the summer with you gone," he says, nodding toward me.

Okay, maybe I frequented this bar a little too often.

"Summer was forgettable," I reply offhandedly, not wanting to dwell on the lifeless two months I spent back home.

Three shots of tequila are poured in front of us, some of the liquid death spilling over the edges. Come to mama.

Hallie reaches into her bra but before she can produce her credit card, a hand slaps a couple of bills on the bartop next to our shots.

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