Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hi Everyone!

I just realized I haven't replied to the comments on the last couple of chapters so I am going to get to that right after posting this! Can't wait to read them all xx

I just realized I haven't replied to the comments on the last couple of chapters so I am going to get to that right after posting this! Can't wait to read them all xx

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An exhausted yawn escapes my lips as my head flops back. The library is draped in its usual silence. My chair is rocking on its back legs, lulling me into a calm, relaxed state. My eyes droop closed.

"What did you get for question seven?" Jonah's voice crashes through the deep pull of slumber I was falling into. The chair legs slam on the floor loudly and I blink a few times, willing my eyes to stay open and concentrate on his words.

Not receiving a response fast enough, Jonah glances at me in question. I slowly blink. "Were you asleep?" he demands, mouth open.

I yawn again. "I was getting there," I mumble, flicking through my strewn-out pages on the library table. Picking up the sheet of paper that has our practice questions, I look at the empty box for number seven. "Haven't done it yet."

Jonah rips the paper from my fingers and reads through some of my answers. "Perrie," he admonishes flipping the paper over, "you've barely done anything." He reads a few more answers and clicks his tongue. "You can't answer a question with because, that's not an answer."

"I barely got any sleep last night, okay? I'll catch up over the weekend," I say softly, unphased by his scolding.

Tossing the paper back to me, Jonah scribbles down something on his worksheet. "The test is on Monday, and we have to hand in this practice test on Friday. How are you going to study fifteen chapters by then on top of this?" he asks, pulling out his textbook. I'm pretty sure my textbook is somewhere in my room.

Grinning, I push my page to the side and rest my head on the table. "It's called working well under pressure, genius."

Jonah pushes his black-framed reading glasses up his nose. "I think you're delusional right now because in case you haven't noticed, Professor Stewart hates us. We said we'd try harder so she wouldn't fail us."

"Actually looking at the practice worksheet is me trying," I answer, opening my laptop from where it's laid closed for the last forty minutes since we sat down. "You need to chill, this test doesn't even count for a chunk of the grade, it's essentially just practicing for the big ones."

He runs a hand roughly through his hair that's grown a few inches in the last month and a bit of school. "Don't tell me to chill, my father has access to my grades online. If I get anything below an A this semester, he's threatened to send me to my Aunt Sarah's house for the summer." He visibly shudders. "She's the one that blamed me for her kid biting me last year and chipping his tooth. I can't go through that again."

My eyes widen in concerned confusion. Jonah's family is a sore subject. His parents are overbearing, his mother often phones him at least once a day if not more to find out if he still misses her and if he's met a pretty young woman to marry yet. One time I heard her berate him over the phone for not joining the Chesley Jewish Club. He begged her not to bring it up to his dad.

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