Chapter Seven

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"I'm just saying," Hallie remarks from where she sits in the driver's seat Friday night on our way into town for dinner, "I think we need to regroup on this burning-the-shoes idea, it's looking like a pretty good option right now

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"I'm just saying," Hallie remarks from where she sits in the driver's seat Friday night on our way into town for dinner, "I think we need to regroup on this burning-the-shoes idea, it's looking like a pretty good option right now."

Nova makes a noise from the back. "Unless you're willing to fork out a few hundred dollars to pay for them, keep scrubbing."

It's safe to assume that offering to clean your sick from someone else's shoes was a disaster in the making. I should have taken the out when Levi offered it but I'm stubborn and don't like owing people anything.

I flex my hands and hold them out in front of me. "My fingers have indents from the scrub brush, all of my nails are broken and my hands cramp after five seconds of scrubbing. At this point, I'm willing to hold a frickin car wash to save up enough so that I don't have to touch those things again."

Surprisingly. I haven't received any messages from him this week, asking if I've sorted out his shoes. Nova and I spent one afternoon Googling the worth of these sneakers. Let's just say that the fact they're white, makes them more expensive than if they were literally any other color. The logic was completely lost on me.

Hallie pulls into the strip mall parking lot. "You know if you were smart, I'd suggest tutoring," she comments, searching for a free space.

My mouth drops open. "You bitch." My lips purse as a thought strikes. "What if we got Nova to tutor? She's a nerd." Hallie nods her head slowly, weighing the idea.

"You two do realize that I'm sitting behind you, right?" Nova asks, sticking her head in between us. "I can barely keep up with my own school work and you're thinking of pimping me out to students?"

I throw my hands up in surrender. "It was just an idea. Marinate on it." Hallie chuckles, turning into a parking spot.

Once we're parked, we climb out of the pickup truck and make our way across the parking lot to the chain of restaurants in the square.

It's warm outside, perfect upstate New York weather for the beginning of September. Luckily, we don't need to wear coats yet since we've got at least until mid-October before the fall weather starts and the leaves change color.

Along the edge of the square, surrounded by retail stores, sits a cluster of restaurants that house outdoor seating directly in the center of the square. String lights hover high over the tables, creating a dim atmosphere.

Since Chesley University holds the biggest population in the town of Fulton, you're guaranteed to find college kids hanging around everywhere you go. The locals are nice enough, only a few times have we had to deal with the cops at a party but nothing too serious.

Upbeat music plays through the outdoor speakers. A few students linger around the childless playground, taking advantage of the dark corners. I roll my eyes. Horndogs.

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