Chapter Fifty

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Did I listen to Bigger Person by Lauren Spencer Smith when writing most of this chapter? Yes, yes I did.

Did I listen to Bigger Person by Lauren Spencer Smith when writing most of this chapter? Yes, yes I did

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The teenagers stand quietly, eyes wide while Nova and I glare at them on our way to them. One girl steps back, trying to hide behind everyone else.

One guy is too focused on helping Wren out of the water and back onto the dock. She stands feet from me, shivering so violently I wouldn't be surprised if her lips turned blue. The same guy who helped her out of the water tugs off his blazer and wraps it around her shoulders.

I take in each of their expressions. "Who, the fuck, shoved her in?" I ask calmly even though my eyes hold a deadly promise.

One of the guys at the back chuckles to himself. Nova angles her head. "Something funny?"

He waves a hand dismissively, his chuckles echoing in the night. He's tall. Taller than both Nova and myself, and Nova's pretty tall. And we're in heels. "Yeah, you two are hilarious. Am I supposed to be afraid?"

My head leans back an inch as I take him in. Nova's jaw shifts. With quiet steps forward, the two girls standing in front of him move to the sides, giving me a clear path. "I don't know," I say lightly, a smile on my face, "you tell me."

He leans down until his nose is almost touching mine. I don't blink or move an inch. "I'm not scared of you."

In one movement, I snag my foot behind his, throwing him off balance, and pull my leg back, watching him fall into the lake. He screams until he hits the water and the sound is swallowed.

Nova snorts. Wren stares at the water quietly. A few seconds pass before his head pops out of the water. "You fucking bitch."

Giving him an unimpressed look, I check my nails. "Wow, good one, really cut me deep." He swims over to the edge of the dock and grips the last plank. Picking up my foot, the bottom of my heel touches the top of his fingers and I press down lightly. He sucks in a gasp. I smile down at him. "I never expected you to be afraid of me, you're an idiot," I say, watching his face contort in silent pain as I apply pressure, "but take this as a lesson. Don't fuck with me or my sister."

He tries to pull his fingers away but I keep them there with a little more pressure. "Do you understand me?" I ask slowly. He glares up at me. I wait patiently, ensuring I don't actually break his fingers, I don't need to go to jail tonight. "Would you like me to repeat myself? Slowly?"

He hisses, shaking his soaking-wet head. "I understand," he squeaks, treading the lake water.

Brightening up, I smile cheerfully. "Wonderful." Removing my foot, he snatches his hand away, glaring up at me some more. "Now," I clap my hands, "which one of you girls shoved my sister in the lake?"

They scramble further away, closer to Nova, who stands there waiting with Wren. I stare them down, watching their movements for any signs of guilt. One girl looks like she's either about to wet herself or burst into tears.

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