Chapter Forty-Two

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Did I listen to Part of Your World (Reprise II) from the new Little Mermaid soundtrack while writing this scene? Yes, yes I did. Was it purposefully for dramatic reasons? Absolutely.

Enjoy x

The ceiling of my bedroom was blurry

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The ceiling of my bedroom was blurry. Every time I blink, it clears for a second before going blurry again.

Silent tears roll down my temples and into my hair, soaking the pillow beneath me. I've been in this position the entire day, except for a quick bathroom break or two, after leaving Levi in the front yard.

My phone is off and sitting on my desk chair across the room. Empty snack packets lay scattered around my bed.

Never have I felt more rock bottom than right now. I should've listened to Nova. Her and Beck's relationship crashed and burned and now mine has gone up in flames too.

God, I'm so stupid. I have never had any doubt that Levi liked me, never. But blaming me to get out of trouble and making those comments about my life were uncalled for and proved that we were just too different to really be together.

We've lived such different lives, and have so many different experiences when it comes to everyday things that it can't work right now.

But I still really liked him, still do. And I'm hurt. My chest feels like it's been knocked sideways and my head hurts from crying and trying to contain the sobs when it first started.

Now I'm like a zombie, just lying here, waiting for nothing.

The door slams open and I don't even flinch. From my peripheral, I spot a bright red bandana and immediately know Nova used it to tie her hair back this morning.

With cautious steps she moves closer to the bed, peering at me from above. "Did you two talk?" she asks quietly, eyes examining my face. I nod imperceptively. "Did you break up?" she asks, this time softer.

Another silent nod as a fresh bout of tears blur my vision, turning her into something Monet would paint. She climbs over me, to the side of the bed pressed against the wall, and wraps an arm across me, hugging me close.

A sniffle and a little whimper escape my trembling lips. "I'm okay," I whisper, the words broken.

She squeezes me tighter. "I know you are." She brushes some hair away from the back of my neck, letting it fan out on the pillow we're sharing. One thing she doesn't do is touch my tears or the tracks left by them, she lets them fall.

Hallie stumbles in a few minutes later, a goofy smile on her face that slowly dies as she takes in the scene. "I—," she pauses, unsure of what to say. Silently, Nova and I shuffle further onto the bed and she offers a sad smile before diving next to me, pressing a chaste kiss to my cheek. "The bastard didn't deserve you," she whispers, holding me tightly.

A tear-filled chuckle escapes my lips and Nova smacks the top of Hallie's head. Together, we snuggle in bed until I start dozing off.

Jolting awake, I sit up in bed, struggling to open my eyes. The room is dim, a single lamp on my desk being the only source of light. The window is cracked slightly with the curtains open, showcasing the dark night and bringing in a breath of fresh air.

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