Chapter Thirty-Five

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Not me accidentally deleting the entire chapter hours ago and having to rewrite the whole thing from memory because I didn't have time to save it to a backup...I'm exhausted.

There will be spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, I will clean it up over the weekend but please bear with me, it's been a LONG DAY.

Please don't forget to comment! Reading your comments are the best parts of my day x

"Um, Gianna?" A freshman girl asks, wandering into the main dining room where a few of us are eating breakfast

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"Um, Gianna?" A freshman girl asks, wandering into the main dining room where a few of us are eating breakfast. We all turn to face her.

The sorority house is mostly empty today since Thanksgiving break started yesterday afternoon. Hallie left yesterday morning for Texas, skipping all of her classes while Nova only took her train to Queens after all of her classes and study group. Wren and I are only leaving for Arizona around noon today in time for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Our slightly hungover president turns her head slowly, her face in an automatic frown. "Yes?"

The freshman clasps her hands together in front of her and slides into the seat next to Gianna. "Um, I was just wondering," she begins, eyes wide, the face of innocence, "Would it be okay if I slept here tonight? I've got an early train ride in the morning and the sorority house is closer to the train station than my dorm and it'd just make my life so much easier."

Gianna lifts a spoonful of oatmeal to her lips and takes a minuscule bite, grimacing at the bland taste. Does she look a little green? "Freshmen aren't allowed to stay in the sorority house overnight, it's in the rulebook, which you should know off by heart by now," Gianna notes, raising an expectant eyebrow.

The freshman slumps in her chair, looking down with a slightly overdramatic pouty sad face. "Oh, okay, I guess I'll just have to wake up extra early in the morning." The freshman looks away into the distance like we're in some fucking movie.

Gianna folds her arms over her pajama shirt. "Am I supposed to feel bad for you because of your poor planning skills?" she asks rhetorically and the freshman opens her mouth to answer before Gianna continues, "Because I don't. And save those crocodile tears for someone who gives a shit., I don't make the rules."

The freshman stands up, pointing her finger in my direction. "Then why does her younger sister, who's in high school, get to stay overnight?" she demands with a soft whine.

Gianna levels the freshman with a stony look. "Because she filled out the appropriate forms weeks in advance and got clearance from our House Mother." The freshman's face flushes a bright shade of red against her light brown skin.

Her sad face turns into a real one and with a soft choked gasp, one that even I could have faked better than hers, the freshman scurries out of the dining room. A few moments later the front door slams shut. The rest of the girls around the table quickly find somewhere else to be, not wanting to be Gianna's next target.

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