Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hi hi! Who's ready for a little bit of spice?!

Little heads up — If you are uncomfortable with sex scenes, please feel free to skip this chapter, I understand completely x

Little heads up — If you are uncomfortable with sex scenes, please feel free to skip this chapter, I understand completely x

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Laying sprawled on his bed, the first thing Levi doesn't do is touch me. In fact, he takes a step away from the bed. I lean up on my elbows, watching him with furrowed brows as he moves to his bedroom door, efficiently locking it and slipping in the deadbolt I haven't noticed until now.

Why the hell would he need one of those? My brain clicks before I catch on. Nico. Obviously.

The next thing Levi does while I remain sprawled on his bed, patiently waiting, grabs a small remote and turns on his small stereo set up on the top of his drawers. An old-school hip-hop song started mid-sentence as he threw the remote onto his desk.

Finally, he turns to face me and anticipation tingles up my spine. His eyes drink in my appearance on his bed. A knot of self-consciousness forms in my stomach from his stare. The corner of his lip twitches.

His hand comes to rest on my knee, running his thumb over the fabric. I tilt my head, letting waves of blonde hair cascade over my shoulder. I nod to his stereo. "Already losing confidence in yourself, Superstar? That's not like you at all," I tease, a smirk playing on my lips.

His fingers tighten on my jeans and before I can blink, he's grabbing the back of my knees and dragging me to the end of his bed. I let my arms buckle with the motion, my head hitting the soft sheets as my hair fans out behind me.

My breath hitches when he leans over me, his body encasing my space. His hand leisurely glides up my thigh, his fingers grabbing my hip. "The music is because last time I gave you an orgasm," my body shivers as he whispers the words, his lips brushing my cheek, "you were so loud Nico heard you."

I snort, unable to control myself. God, I walked into that one.

He grips my chin, angling my head to look up at him towering over me. "Something funny?" He asks lightly.

Pressing my lips together I shake my head. "Not a damn thing."

"Good." He surges forward, pressing his lips to mine, effectively cutting off any laughter threatening to spill out. I sit up, needing to touch him. My neck cranes as high as I can while he bends forward, keeping our lips locked. He nibbles on my bottom lip, his tongue exploring with a sense of urgency.

The kiss is more primal than any other kiss we've shared. Our previous kisses were shy, careful, and still introductory to each other.

But this...

This is the passionate and deliciously focused athlete I've yet to experience behind closed doors. Levi is usually so put together, quiet, and focused on his craft. And right now I am that focus point.

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