"Google it," Margot responded with a little chuckle. It wouldn't be accurate on google. She had investments that would definitely change whatever number would come up which would only give an estimate based on the company itself, but she supposed the rough estimate wouldn't be too far off.

Thalia actually did Google it. She pulled her phone out and typed in Margot's name. "I swear, you've never had this many articles pop up about you. This is kind of insane."

"Do you Google me often?" Margot asked, laughing amusedly.

"At least once a week," Thalia replied like it was the most normal thing ever. "I care about you. Every article now though is like TAYLOR SWIFT AND GIRLFRIEND MARGOT PARADIS. Oh! How scandalous! You spent the night over at her place?"

Thalia gasped and stood right in Margot's face. "You spent the night at that party kissing? The horrors!"

Margot rolled her eyes and shoved Thalia away using her whole palm on the other woman's whole face.

"Who the fuck's tracking our every move though?"

"Oh, it's in great detail too! Apparently, you danced like a couple of horny teenagers at prom!" Thalia said, a big goofy grin on her face.

"Horny? They said that?"

"No, but it's definitely what was implied," Thalia told her, snickering to herself. "It's not like they're that far off. You're always horny for her."

Margot rolled her eyes again. "I'm going to get dressed for work."

As she started making her way outside, she heard Thalia humming and then singing even louder.

"Margot and Taylor sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes loves, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage–"

"Thalia Hart!" Margot exclaimed threateningly but her friend only laughed as she continued to sing.

"That's not all, that's not all, the baby's playing basketball!"

"No child of mine will be playing basketball!" Margot called back. "Those uniforms are horrible! Why are the shorts so baggy?"

Thalia burst out laughing from the kitchen, singing the song all over again. Margot figured her best bet would be to ignore her. She climbed the steps up to the top floor and went to her room to change her clothes and apply some light makeup just to cover the dark circles under her eyes and look presentable for the rest of the day.

She made her way back downstairs in a pant suit and slid into one of the seats at the kitchen island just as Thalia slid an omelette over to her.


"Ah, merci!" Margot responded, sending her a flying kiss before picking her fork up.

"So, you never told me," Thalia said as she sat down across from her and picked up a piece of toast from the plate she placed in the middle of the table. "How was your night?"

"Uhhh, it was nice, yeah," Margot said, taking a first bite to stall with chewing.

"The show went smoothly?"

"Oh, yeah! Yeah, it was great actually. One of our best shows yet," Margot explained.

"And your mom?" Thalia asked, giving her a little toothy smile, more akin to a grimace than a smile.

"Mom was mom," Margot chuckled. "I know she's trying, but... I don't know. I get irritated very easily."

"You need therapy, my dear," Thalia told her simply, pointing at Margot with her fork, a piece of egg dangling from the prongs.

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