Your Love Messes Me Up 02 - This Is Not Happening!

Start from the beginning

“She’s hot though….” Connor said quietly as we walked into class.

“Agreed” We all said as we looked at each other and took our seats at the back of class.

I was talking to Gregg about how to go about to stalk her when Michael nudged me saying

“Hey, Aiden, that girl looks like the one we saw yesterday.”

 Pointing to the girl walking into class with her head lowered as if she didn’t want to see anyone.

In disbelief I said “That emo looking girl? How is she the same person as the same one we saw yesterday?”

 Looking to double check, Michael said “THAT emo girl has the same limited edition vivid blue converse shoes as the girl that we saw yesterday.  Aiden, what are the odds here. Those shoes aren’t common in this town”

“Michael, how do we know for sure that she’s a hundred percent the same person we saw yesterday?” hoping somehow someway that it’s not her.

The immense charisma and energy poured out from that girl! How can all that come from an emo looking girl like her?


Summer POV

I keep getting this strange feeling that I’m being watched today, it’s strange. How would someone like me who’s so low key have someone noticing me? Something’s not right here…

I need talk to Addy and Izzy; also I want to go to my secret place to hide from whoever’s looking for me…

Finding them at our usual spot during lunch, I told them about the weird feeling I’ve been having the whole day.

Looking around, they looked at each other then at me and Izzy said “Summer, we think we know who it is…”

I started to look around when Addy commanded me “No! Don’t look around! I don’t think you wanna know who it is yet…”

Now, I’m starting to worry…is it that bad that they can’t tell me? Is it some weird guy!?

After class, I went for my secret place while Addy went the help out at her family’s bakery and Izzy stayed back for the gardening club, apparently weeds have invaded her plants.

And since my car is still out of commission, I’m taking the public transport since Izzy has her chauffeur pick her up after club activities, which can be quite late since she has lots to do today…

I dislike my school but this is one of the few occasion where it’s many facilities comes handy.

Hiding out by one of the school’s lesser used dance room, I liked it because its tall arched windows have the full view of the school’s garden which they spent a bomb on; with all its different types of flowers and plants.

This was the only place I could both do homework and relax in school; it was similar to the dance studio with all its mirror and different kinds of stereo.

Looking at the stereo, I was really tempted to dance a little…


Aiden’s POV

A few minutes after school had ended; I realized that she’s gone!

Where the hell did she go? That girl and her friends bolted out of class so quickly! Argh!! She’s driving me insane!

It’s been a few hours now and the guys said that stood watch by the school’s exit (yeah I’m that desperate to find her) said that she had not left school yet…So where the f*** is she!

Checking my phone for updates, I saw Michael’s text to search at East block. Heading in that direction, I wondered why she stayed in school for so long.

Searching floor by floor, that’s when I heard it as I climbed up the stairs that led to the third floor.

I ran for the door and looked through the glass to see that it was really her!

This time she wasn’t dancing hip hop but contemporary instead.

Still I was mesmerized by her, the way she moved and how it feels that she gives it her all no matter where or when it is.

Realizing what was happening to me, this feeling I have for her is messing me up!

“What are you doing here.” A voice demanded.

Not realizing I had opened the door and walked into the room, I failed to find an answer.

“If you don’t have answers then leave immediately” she said back glaring at me.

Walking up to her I said “Being crazy about you I can’t do that”

Registering what I said she started moving backwards with me still walking towards her.

Coming up to the wall, she couldn’t move back any further. And as I cornered her there, she looked angrier and moved in for a punch.

How spunky can this girl get?

Managing to catch her arms I said “Woah, just wait a moment. Let’s do this civilized like and talk.”

Not letting her guard down and her eyes still glaring she muttered “fine, just let me go”

Even when she’s angry, she still looked as amazing as when I saw her yesterday.

Letting her take a seat at the chair by the table with all the stereos, I leaned against the table and told her how I saw her yesterday and how I found out that we were in the same homeroom.

Looking into her eyes, I said “Can you give me a chance? For me to prove that I’m a normal person and that I really like you”


Summer’s POV

I don’t believe this, who’s this person?! He just barges into the room without permission, says this crazy stalkerish line and now wants me to give him some sort of chance to prove that he’s normal? And that he likes me?

This is not happening. This is not happening!

“You’re crazy.” I said as I grabbed my bag and bolted for it. I wanted to leave this place as fast as my legs could take me.

Running out of the school, I realized I kept passing by people who kept looking at me. Which was very odd…

Stopping at a very good distance away, his words kept ringing in my head “I really like you, I’m crazy about you.”

This being the first time someone ever confessed to me, I could feel myself blushing like crazy. Furthermore, that guy was really an oh-my-gosh-hot-guy-alert kind of guy! I swear; he at least has to be a model or something…Why did he have to be so weird?

Just when I thought I’d cleared my thoughts, I heard it echoing in my mind again, “I really like you”

Turning red, I thought to myself, how am I going to school tomorrow? Much worse…how am  I going to face him tomorrow?!

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