17|. What Does She Want?

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THE RED HEAD stared at the camera.

The brunette was staring straight ahead, emotionless. Her arms were wrapped around her, her thumbs slowly soothing her arms. Her brown hair was greasy and frizzy as ever and her once green emerald eyes looked dead, they looked grey and emotionless. This was not the girl Natasha recognized, it broke her heart honestly.

Everyone stood around the table, thinking about everything that had happened the night before. They, especially Natasha, thought it was peculiar the prisoner had moved or escaped yet, but they pushed it aside and thought nothing of it.

"Who is she?" Steve Rogers asked, looking straight at Natasha. He was a little frustrated of what happens last night, and everyone was shook. Natalia met eyes with the man, frowning deeply as she got up from her chair to go look out the window.

"My sister." The red head spoke.

Clint gave her a confused look, of course he had heard of her sisters, mostly of her youngest sister, which he thought was this person, but he never would of thought this would happen. "Not Yelena. Not her. Marina. She is my younger sister. The middle child. Last time I saw her, she was...."

Natalia stopped, placing her finger on her chin for a moment. "She was what?" Bruce Banner tapped his pencil on the table, awaiting an answer from the woman.

She looked over to the side, then to Steve Rogers eyes. "Dead." The words still made her shook, she trembled at it. She could hardly even look at the prisoner they were holding. "I don't know how she survived. She fell to her death and a building fell on her. We didn't even check for body because we knew she was dead. Gone."

"Why is she here, then? What's her goal?" Tony Stark squinted his skeptical eyes at Natasha. He refused to take his eyes off of the prisoner, to scared that the same thing was going to happen.

"I don't know." She said. "I'm not sure. She seemed fine last time I saw her. She didn't have this anger." Thoughts raced through Natasha's head, trying to figure out e urging. Like how she survived, why is she attacking us, and they all led to the same conclusion. I don't know.

"We should send someone in." Clint Barton nodded his head. He had his fist to his chin, with his elbow rested on the arm rest of the wheelchair. He tried his best not to wince at every movement he made, but was trying his best.

"I'll go in." Natasha started to walk towards the door with determination set in her bones, for the first time this evening. But Steve step in front of her, blocking her from interrogating the woman. "Let me go. She's my sister, I need to fix this and find out what's going on."

"No." Steve Rogers said. "You froze when she approached you. She said a Widow doesn't do anything without a purpose. I don't trust her around you." He said. "You can pick who goes in though."

Natasha sighed in defeat, searching the room where all the Avengers, including Wanda and Vision, sat. Her eyes trialed form each, one to another until they landed on her best friend. "Clint." The name brought the archers attention back to this world. "You are in a wheelchair, you are hurt. She has a soft spot for people like that."

"Are you sure?" Sam Wilson chuckled. "Because it doesn't seem like she was soft earlier. Was she being soft and kind?" The Falcon turns to Bucky Barnes, giving him a questioning look. "My bad. She was being soft."


"I'm sure."

His tired arms spun the wheels to the chair, trying his best not to crumble under pressure. He kept reminding himself that the Avengers were there and if anything were to happen to him, they would be there for his family. While he was nervous, the woman in front of him, seemed to have no care in the world.

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