7|. A New Ally

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"I SAID WE needed a jet."

Natalia bluntly said. For while we were driving out in the middle of nowhere and then stopped in an vacant field with a gloomy forest in the back. Yet, there stood what seemed as a something that flew in the air, but to be honest it was a heaping pile of garbage.

The man seemed vaguely familiar, like I had seen him before. I know for a fact Natalia had met him because she had spoke to him and I know that Yelena did too, the amused look on her face said so. "Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? Time. Or money. I'm not made of jets." The man marches out of plane, smiling at the red head.

"I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro." Yelena spoke quickly. She sped to the jet taking in every inch with what seemed as a disgust look or a smile, I couldn't quite tell.

The man looked blankly at the blonde, not gladden at all. "Oh, I beg your pardon, tsarina. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?"
Yelena stared at the man, trying to figure out if he was being serious or not and just laughed aloud, sarcastically.

"Flat? You're British?" I asked the man. My hands pulled my brown silky hair into a tight frizzy ponytail, annoyed with my naughty hair. I soon just gave up and threw my hands up in the air with my hair dropping to my back.

"Yeah. You're Russian?" He asked amusingly, staring me up and down as I made my way over to the broken jet. A hint of confusion filled his voice, making him look over to the red head who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't let them wound you up." Natalia, looked the machine up and down. The blades seemed as if they were about to fall off, the paint was wearing off, and there were smoke stained on the top. Yes, it wasn't a luxury helicopter, but it would have to do.

The man furrowed his eye brows as he looked between the the three of us. "No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism."

"Well, you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours." Natalia turned around, fully facing the man with a smile on her face. I could tell he felt like he was being surrounded by the puzzled look he gave us. Meanwhile, the red head circled the jet, leaving Yelena and I with the man.

"You to huh?" He pointed to all three of us, stuttering all over the place as he did so. "Tag team?"

Yelena puckered her lip out, staring at the man as if he was a child who was not getting his way at all. "Aw..." She muttered out as I started to walk towards the front. "He's sensitive. See why you keep him around." The blonde followed me to the front, leaving behind the man who had his jaw open, probably trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Everyone needs a sensitive man in their lives?" I chuckled aloud, making the man frown at me.
I stared inside the jet, looking at every thing in there with furrowed eye brows. The glass had water dripping down there, making the bottom foggy. Yelena had saw this as her opportunity and blew on it, making another foggy circle on it. We gazed at each other for a moment. I had a big smile on my face as I looked at the child like woman.

The sound of a large bag hitting the floor drew our attention away from the glass. The man unzipped it, revealing a couple of things in there, suits, some weapons, and a beef jerky which Yelena immediately went for.

She silently cheered as she unwrapped the thing causing Natalia to turn back. "Oh, I stashed that four years ago." Yelena shrugged her shoulders and stared her down, challenging her big sister without any problem. "How is it?" The red head asked, with a smile creeping onto her.

Yelena chewed with her mouth open, trying her best to eat the beef jerky. My mouth turned down into disgust as I watched the whole thing. "It's dry." Yelena's accent really poked out. "It's really dry."
With everyone staring her down, the blonde made her way up to the jet, spitting out the beef jerky. I followed the girl, leaving the man and the red head behind as they talked to each other.

"You know. I'm convinced we are surrounded by idiots." I muttered to myself, heading over to to the chair in the front. My fingers dragged along all of the controls, trying to gather all the disgusting dust as I did so.

"At least we are hot." She replied.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, dropping my Fanny pack onto the chair and heading to the back without a second thought. The back had some seating, but was still very dusty. My hands trialed along the seats, gathering all the dust and dirt that was planted onto them. My eyes were so deeply focused on the task at hand, that I completely ignored the rustling coming from my pack in the corner.

"I didn't know you still kept these."

I turned around to find Yelena holding some trinkets in her hands. She scanned every inch of them with a glimmer in her eyes and a smile prancing across her lips. "What is going on with your face?" I asked her slowly making my way to her.

"I'm... im.. smiling?" She asked confused. Yelena looked up from the very familiar trinkets to find me growing deeply at her. I could tell that was not the reaction she wanted, so she backed away, gripping the small things in her hand even tighter.

"I don't like it. Give them back." I reached my hand forward, silently pleading that she would give them back. But she grinned again as if she had a brilliant plan brewing up in there and pulled her hand away from me. I dropped my hand to my side and sucked in my lips as I looked her up and down, deciding what I should do. If I should attack her, or leave her alone entirely.

"I didn't know you kept these." She whispered out somberly, giving me back the trinkets. I gladly took them and stared at them in my hands. There were three beaded bracelets, a small clay turtle, and a small photo with all three of us, the size of my palm. I still remember the day we made the brackets. One of them had black beads and red, another one had blue and white while the other had yellow and grey colors and letter beads that said 'Fireflies'.

"Yep. Um... She.." I regretfully muttered out, not wanting to speak her name ever again. "Didn't want us to bring anything with us on the big trip. But I had all of this in my pocket, thankfully they didn't take it away from me."

Yelena and I gazed at each three with somber eyes for a moment. Memories filling our minds. We didn't say anything for a few moments, just sitting on the seats in silent and thinking for a moment. Happily, I silently slipped on the two bracelets, holding the the yellow and grey bracket in my hand.

My fist crumbled it into my fist as I thought for a moment. I reached my hand out t the blonde and dropped it on her lap, looking away the second her eyes met mine.

Just then, Natalia came in and shut the door, scaring the both of us and making Yelena hide the bracelet immediately. Of course, the red head furrowed her eye brows, but she just ignored the whole thing and dropped some white suits on us. "Alright girls. Let's go."

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