4|. A Chance

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I PULLED OVER the army green jacket off of my shoulders with heavy sigh. The bleeding had gotten worse and ended up drenching my oversized coat, which upset me, but hey, that can happen when you fight the villain everyone spoke about in the red room. My grey tight t shirt with a low v neck thankfully had no blood on it as well as my dark blue skinny jeans.

My hands tore the fabric in half, wrapping it around my arm and my shoulder, wincing as I pulled tight. My older sister looked behind her, raising an eyebrow at the appearance of me, but I quickly brushed her off with a smile.

Apparently, Yelena was in great pain and needed some medicine and Natalia needed something, she wouldn't tell me what for some reason. So, we had to stop in a small gas station, if that's what you want to call it. It was certainly rough around the edges and definitely a little bit sketchy, but it was enough to lay low.

The three of squeezed through the door, looking around for anything we needed. "The red room is still active. Where is it?" The red spoke, gazing at the tall wall filled with the bare necessities.

The blonde made her way to the back, in desperate need to find Ibuprofen. "I have no idea. He moves location constantly. And every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security." She picked up every package that was in her sight that seemed reasonable.

"What about you Marnie?" Natalia asked me as she stared at me for my answer. My eyes watched the the soccer game, or football as it was called in that country, on the small television. My lips turned into a frown after hearing the name I hadn't heard in over twenty years, it made my heart flutter hearing the name, but at the same time, I wanted to yell at her for using the name.

"I don't know. I wasn't even there most of the time." I shrugged my shoulders, looking back up at the screen.

"Where were you then?" Yelena muttered with raised eyebrows, confusion written all over her face. My whole demeanor had changed in just a second, my eyes furrowed and my lips turned down, my head titled as I stared at the blonde.

"I'm just finding it hard to believe that he could stay off my radar." Natalia made her way to the back where the youngest searched the full shelves.

Upon hearing this, Yelena looked up form the back of the package and started at her eldest sister, wondering why the heck she was like this. "It's not smart to attack an avenger if you want to stay hidden. I mean, the clue is in the name. Dreykov kills you, one of the big ones comes to avenge you."

"The big ones?" The red head asked, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Well, I doubt the god from space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight." The blonde tries to make a little joke after noticing the tension in the air. She stared at her red head sister after 21 years, thoughts racing through her mind. "Where did you think I was after all this time."

The older sister stared at her youngest sister, truly wondering how she could answer this question. "I thought that you got out and were living a normal life."Yelena stared at me, smirking at her response to a question we both wanted an answer to. Of course we had seen the great Natasha Romanoff on the television screen and we heard the reporters talking about how great she was and everything. I don't know about Yelena, but a part of me hoped she was still out there, searching for us, trying to find us a home. But no, she was out there having fun with her 'family'.

"And what about me?" I spoke to the red head, my Russian accent strong. She stared at me for just a moment before running her hands through the sink.

"Same thing for Yelena. Thought you were either dead or out living your life." She muttered through the water.

"And you just never made contact again?" Yelena gathered all of the medicine she needed, holding it in her hands as she waited for her older sister to finish her unbelievable part of the conversation. 

"Honestly," Natalia looked at herself through the mirror for who knows what. "I thought you both never wanted to see me."

I sighed heavily at the accusation she just said, rolling my eyes as I made my way to the counter. "Ha ha." Yelena laughed sarcastically. "You just didn't want your baby sisters to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids." A small chuckle escaped my lips. That was one of things I definitely remembered about Yelena as a child, she always had a good comeback. Whether it came in an instant or in five seconds was the question. She was always a sweet and sarcastic kid, just like me, and that's what made us the best friends we were as a child.

"Yeah. We would ruin you and your reputation." I dug through my pockets, trying to fish out any money I had for everything. Luckily I had found ten Forints and placed on the counter with the little happiness I had left.

"You guys weren't really my sisters." Natalia avoided our hard cold glares we had given her as she made her way to the front counter as well. Yelena started at me once again, in disbelief of what our older sister was saying to us.

"And the avengers aren't really your family." The blonde spoke harshly. "Why do you always do that thing?" She placed the medicine on the counter as I paid for the things, speaking in Hungarian to the man.

"What the thing?" The red head spoke in confusion.

"The thing you do when you're fighting. The... Like," Yelena immediately noticed the bewildering look on Natalias face and started to flip her head back and forth, trying to show an example "The... This thing that you do when you whip your hair when you're fighting with the arm and the hair. And you do, like, a fighting pose." Yelena stuck one leg out with the other one bent, her left arm touching the ground and the other one straight out in the air as she flipped her head back and forth. Natalia still didn't get it and did not find it amusing at all, giving Yelena a look.

"It's a... It's a fighting pose. You're a total poser." The youngest laughed aloud.

"You are a poser." My fingers tapped on my chin, finding the whole thing absolutely hilarious.

"See!" The blonde motioned to me. "She agrees!"

"I'm not a poser." The red head shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah. You are." I shrugged my shoulders, earning a hard glare form my older sister.

Yelena laughs aloud at the insecure Natalia, getting up from the hard pose. "Oh, come on. I mean, they're great poses, but it does look like you think everyone's looking at you, like, all the time." She tried her best to lift up the mood, trying to joke around with the hard, cold Natalia. But as it often did when we were kids, it absolutely failed when she got defensive.

"All that time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer." Natalia's anger finally busted, she looked at us with a stern eye, an unsettling frown.

"Well, then you were fooling yourself because pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer. Except I'm not the one that's on the cover of a magazine. I'm not the killer that little girls call their hero." Yelena marched out of the small gas station, holding all of her antibiotics in her hands. I stared at the door where my younger sibling once stood, rag filling me as I focused on my once older sister.

"We didn't get the chance you did. You better get that through your thick skull." My finger pointed to her head. My eyebrows furrowed and my lips turned up into disgust as a look of shock washed over Natalia.

"I didn't get a chance."

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