22|. He's Captain America

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"PARACHUTE?" A MAN named Jeffery Stone had asked all four of them, Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Bucky. The Falcon had chuckled, looking over to the Captain with knowing eyes while Stone was very confused, staring between them. "What's going on?" Stone had asked.

"He's Captain America. He doesn't need a parachute." Sam said in a matter of fact tone as Steve was already jumping from the helicopter. Stone began to freak out, looking from the window to see a body free falling from the sky, he shut his close, feeling a hand on his shoulders.

"Don't worry." Bucky had an expression that said I go through this everyday. "He has a disease, it's called dumb ass disease. Thanks to that, Steve goes jumping out of planes all the freaking time. You get use to it." He said in a monotone voice. Stone handed a chute over to him, which Bucky shook his head in response. "And another thing. Dumb ass disease is contagious."

As Bucky fell out of the small plane, Nat came over and grabbed it from the slightly dazed man, smiling gently. "I don't have it, so I'll gladly take the parachute." She whipped it on and jumped out of there, flying gracefully in the air.

"I'm guessing you don't want it?" Stone had asked Sam who was currently putting on some wings.

"Nah. I'm fine. Have fun!" In a girly tone, Sam Wilson had nodded over to his best friend, Stone, as a sign of saying thank you. As soon as he leaped out, he could see three falling bodies, one of them being covered by a white fabric.

The falcon soared through the air, avoiding all birds that crossed his path, he can even hear the Winter Soldier snicker through his comms. "Haha, very funny. Want to repeat that metal man?" Sam had said as soon as he landed on the ground with the rest.

The Winter Soldier had given a blank expression to the man before looking over to Steve as a sign of help, but he replied with a shrug of his shoulders and a smug smile. "Let's just get this thing over with." He whispered to himself.

Sam came from up behind and ruffled his nicley combed hair. "What did you say?" The falcon has squinted his eyes at the man who just grumbled and growled.

"Alright kids, let's stop playing and get down to business." Nat had spoken quickly as she laid out a map of the HYDRA base. She then began to explain the whole plan over again. Luckily for them, this base was abandoned, a while ago SHIELD had infiltrated this and didn't leave any agent behind. Even though there were no threats, each of them still had a weapon that they held close to them, too wise to go in there without a gun.

When the plan was finished up, everyone quickly nodded with each other, agreeing silently. They all slowly approached the ruined base, it was as clear as day that some of it was set on fire. Ash surrounded the building, even some skulls and bones laid in the ground with green grass growing on it.

They had never seen a HYDRA base so peaceful, so beautiful and quiet. It was almost shocking to them.
As soon as they got to the door, everyone stood still, taking a deep breath. Natasha looked at everyone, nodding in question before nodding once more in confidence.

As soon as the doors open, birds began to fly out, causing the whole group to cock their weapons, and Steve to prep his shield. Everyone sighed in relief, letting out a breath they didn't even know they were holding as they lowered their weapons. "Stick together." Natasha spoke quickly.

The rather large has had the greenest grass they had ever seen grow on the inside of the base, flowers and trees started to grow too. It was like the entire base was a large garden. They all turned to the first door, reading the numbers off of it, 002. "It's the file room." Bucky whispered.

Everyone walked into the large room, looking everywhere until their eyes caught the file cabinets in the corner. They slowly made their way towards it and immediately started to look through the yellow folders. "V..V....V.... Look for Vostokoff."

All their hands scurried throughout files, reading each name over and over again. Natasha and Steve searched the V section while the other two searched the numbers. "Found it." Steve spoke aloud. He immediately pulled the rather thick file out and plopped it onto the the table. The other three surrounded him, trying to get a look of it. "Room.... 223."

Steve closed the file and handed it to the woman, raising an eyebrow in question, which she gladly accepted it, hugging it close to her body. The Captain grabbed his shield while Bucky aimed his gun everywhere they went. They all walked throughout the base, climbing stairs, poking their head through some doors. Even though it was highly unlikely that there was anyone there, they were still highly suspicious.

Then they saw it. 223. The door was closed, the wood was cracked and there were vines growing on it. Sam, Bucky, and Steve all looked over to Natasha with expecting eyes, allowing her to be the one to open the door.

Her fingers brushed it, allowing them to stay on there for just a moment before pushing the door open. They were immediately met a room that didn't look like the other rooms, which looked like prisons and cells for animals. This looked like a room that belonged to a regular house, despite the grass and vines that is and the little red hand prints on the wall.

"Something doesn't make sense." Natasha whispered after brushing her hands across the bloody wall. "Why would she be here, she was a Widow, not HYDRA." She looked at the other three men with a puzzled face. "She was here for a reason." Natasha went over to the bed that was already falling apart and sat on it, already opening up to read more.

"Like I said." Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe she was a project." Nat looked over to the Falcon, thinking for a moment. A part of her didn't believe Sam, but another part knew that he was probably right, but she didn't want to admit it.

Her eyes scanned each and every letter for any answer or some kind of sign. That's when she crossed a page of Marina's past and her transition from the Red Room to HYDRA. "It says here she was always part of HYDRA...... She was sent to the Red Room because of an agreement, trying to make the first HYDRA Widow." She spoke aloud.

Bucky, on the other hand didn't listen at all, he was to focused on this little spot in the room. A small little paper was buried underneath some grass, he went to pull it out and saw a little drawing made by what seemed as a little five year old. A fond smile made its way to his lips, but it soon turned into a frown once he he flipped the page.

The bottom half was marked with green crayon and the top left corner had a giant yellow circle with lines coming out of it. In the middle was a small stick figure ,which probably was the five year old who drew it, with a red dress holding hands with a larger stick figure. Who, appeared to be him.

Bucky didn't want to believe it, but it was literally right in front of his face. His question that he had been asking himself for two years now had been answered. Did he like the answer? Not really, but at least he got one.

"Get in here."

The harsh words echoed throughout the small room. Bucky looked up from the floor as soon as the door had shut close to find the little girl he had seen a week ago sprawled on the floor, crayons in hand. Her smile immediately brighten up the room and she walked to Bucky, her brown curly piggy tails bouncing.

"Hello friend!" She spoke in her small, timid, child voice, grabbing the man's metal arm and dragging him to the floor. Her laughter filled the air as she looked up from the man and her paper over and over again.

"Done!" She yelled, picking up the picture and showing the man in front of her. Bucky picked it up and looked at it, a small smile appearing on his lips. It was him and his big metal arm standing by a little girl that seemed to be the girl beside him. "Do you like it friend?"

"Bucky!" His name called him out of his daydreaming. He looked over to the three who who already standing up in their stances. Steve looked over to the metal armed man. "It's time to go. Stark found Marina."

"Where?" Bucky asked, standing up and shoving the paper in his back pocket. Steve waved over the man as he placed his tablet on the bed in the corner, looking to Nat for confirmation. The winter soldiers eyes squinted as he read the words. "Germany."

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