2|. The Widow Invasion

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I STARED AT her soft green eyes as she stared into my emerald ones, our mouths twisted down into disgust. My delicate fingers tapped the brim of the with hers tapping even faster. Finally the anticipation was building up way to fast.

"You threw a chair at me!"

"You slapped my across the face!"

We both said at the same time. I raised my eyebrows at Yelena, who tapped the table one final time with a heavy sigh. The whole apartment was trashed. The wooden chair laid on the ground broken, glass shattered everywhere, and coffee was spilt all over the floor. It was a disaster. To say I was mad about the whole situation would be a complete understatement and it would take me hours to clean up this mess.

"Why now." My voice echoed through the hallow apartment. It was two words, such a simple question, yet the two girls looked down at their fingers, guilty. "It's been, what, twenty-one years, and now your crawling back. What do you want now?" I asked full of spite.

"The red room is still up and running." The red head said above a whisper. I noticed the red serum peeking out of the bag Yelena held firmly, a photo hung tied around it, a fond one.

"I mean, yeah. Duh. It's common knowledge." The two widows seemed taken back by my statement as I rose from the chair, taking a deep breath.

"I escaped from the hellhole not more than a year ago. They had tracked me, I escaped, yada yada. I figured that you bunch would be searching for me, since you know, I was too. That's when I found out Natalia was apart for the worlds famous Avengers, and Yelena was buried deep in the Red Room system." The whole time I was traveling across my humble abode, taken in every detail. My eyes stopped at the broken mug, my Australia mug.

"So where are they Natalia? Your Avenger friends?" I asked silently.

Yelena threw her head back dramatically after her older sister as if she was making a point. She waved her hands in the air, staring deep at Natalia. "We are- Kind of in the middle of something. They don't really like me right now."

"Where are your super friends when you need them." The blonde sister spoke sarcastically. I sent a small smile to her, for once grateful that she was here. Then there it was again, the unsettling feeling.

"Marina?" The eldest sister must of noticed a change in my behavior, her heart started to speed up as she froze and the youngest sister froze as well. At first, I was confused by the sudden reactions, that is, until I had found it. It might have been small, but it was still noticeable. The small red light.

It was all to familiar.


The ceiling caved in, debris fell everywhere, the whole apartment became smoky. The blonde quickly grabbed her back pack, shoving her items into it while the red head hid behind a wall with the me following closely. We all shut their mouths close as they saw the whole room being filled with the tiny red dots one by one, following a loud thud.

I poked my head out from the hallway to find my little sister breathing heavily, clutching her dear bag for life. The widows drew closer to the us with every second that passed, meaning we would less likely be out of here alive.

Yelena ran through the hallway, managing to miss all of the a active bullets being shot from the enemy. Natalia slammed the blonde right into the wall as soon as she could, shielding her from anything and everything while turning the knob. All the lights being to light up into flames, sparks flying onto the widows suits. It was a distraction, for now.

Natalia peeked her head throughout the window while I kept guard from behind. Guns started to go off as the red head ducked to the side, thankfully avoiding the bullets. Yelena crouched, put her hands on her hand to avoid the dust from getting into her eyes. I let out a dramatic sigh as I peeked down into the stairs, finding more widows pointing their guns.

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