43|. "I'm sorry"

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Already started to work on my other Yelena story!

MARINA HUFFED. SHE was fine. Then Alex had to ruin it. He said that there was a mission for her and that it would be the last one ever. He told her she was suppose to go in, grab a special piece of Red Room information that appeared as HYDRA information to the outside world. Once Marina had heard Red Room, she was in. But it required something.

Going to a party.

Alex had opted to get her to wear a skin tight, above the knee, red dress. One of the things Red Room taught was to appear appealing to the men and Alex thought this would go great to the party. But Marina was done with the short revealing dresses.

She decided to go with a navy blue dress that extended below her knees, almost to her ankles. A belt, the same fabric and same color as the dress, wrapped around her and the top could be transformed into many things. She just did a low v neck with sleeves that were a little baggy. Her shirt brown hair curled to perfection and a pair of fake diamond earrings hung from her earlobes. Her face tainted with a little bit of makeup.

Alex thought it was good enough. So here Marina was, holding her clutch in her hand with a cocktail in the other. Her eyes scanned the crowd in front of her. Something about this was to familiar.

The lights were dim.

It was a year later than what you last read and the soldier and the girl were unstoppable. They were ready for W3P, yet they didn't know that. Right now, they were on a mission. Kill the boss. No other details except for his name, Lewis Bruce, and his company Bruce's Incorporated.

It was a simple mission. The girl was suppose to draw him out then the soldier was suppose to kill him. She wore a tight dress, making sure to show off all of her curves, much to her dismay. Her long flowery brown hair covered her back, one where the soldier had his hand on. Protectively. The girl was frozen at this. The coldness was itching her skin. She was taught to cover her emotions but for some reason she couldn't.

The girl's green eyes rapidly blinked, her hands shaking. 'Why I am I feeling this way?' She asked herself. Shaking her head, she moved to left of him. A stern face swept over as her eyes landed on her target.


Marina muttered as she pressed her index finger on her ear as discreetly as possible. "Why did you send me here?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink in order to calm down her nerves even if it was failing. The room began to shake. She knew that it wasn't for real but instead her brain playing tricks on her because no one else was freaking out.

"I know. But last time you came here, you left information that could of gotten you killed. And still get yourself killed." Another voice on the line had said. Marina scowled at his comment as she knew it was true. She had messed up on that day in 2007. She was honestly surprised she wasn't killed then.

Her eyes flickered to her target: Kent Bruce. Apparently, she needed to lure him into a room, knock him out, get his keys, and go into a room that only level eight people can get into before people know that the guest of honor was missing. Easy enough, right? Alex thought so.

Marina stuck out her tongue as she made her way of to the man. His jet black hair was combed back and had a obscene amount of gel in their. His smirk flashed at every lady in the room, his brown orbs winking ever so often. It made Marina want to vomit. She must of made a sound because Alex had said something over the comms.

"Just this once, Mar." He made sure to put the emphasis on Mar, the nickname James had given her and only he calls her that.

"We're you listening in on our private," She said through gritted teeth. "Conversation, Mr. Rae?" She asked. Nothing came out of the other side expect for static noise. The girl smiled and nodded with the victory and she used that to appear charming to the guest of honor. She made sure to put on her best smile, she puffed her hair, and smoothed out her dress.

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