The End

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So that's the end of this book. I already have the next book published and ready to go along with a couple other stories that you should read. But there's a part two to this book! It's already published. It's called:

The Downfall of the Myrmidon


In a cruel world where nothing seems to go right, a girl most cope with her future and her hatred to normality. The Avengers were suppose to always be there, but after a tragic event, they withdrew from the world and release two years later claiming they were back and with new heroes.

The girl must watch as the world goes through this and how they completely and utterly fail.


The door opened due to Rebecca and she peeked her head through it. Immediately, her eye caught a guard who was laughing with another. She quickly shut the door, biting her lip in hopes that they wouldn't catch her. She waited for a few seconds then poked her head through it again. No guards. She took this as her chance and ran to the exhibit she needed to go. And there in all its glory, stood the shield.

She swore people were taunting others due to the light shining directly on the shield, the only light to illuminate the place. Suddenly, the hammer in her hand felt clammy. Rebecca felt bad for what she was about to do and she also knew that she wouldn't go through it when the time came. So without thinking, she smashed the glass.

The alarms came on and the room started to turn red. But she paid no attention to this. Her eyes were glued to the shield. It's lone silver star in the middle with a red and blue stripe surrounding it. The way that the light flickered off it made her want to touch it even more. And she did. Her hands gripped the brim of the vibranuim shield with glee. A smile swept across her lips as she was overjoyed.

After hearing the footsteps behind her, she quickly grabbed the shield and ran in any direction she could have hoped for which was a terrible decision since now she was in front of five guards that seemingly towered her. She let out a nervous chuckle and before you know it, she was at the police station.


In the midst of World War II, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a bond forged by love emerges. Nurse Rosalie Clark and Sargent Bucky Barnes defy the odds, surrendering their hearts against the backdrop of rav aaged world. Joined by the indomitable Captain Steve Rogers and a formidable group known as the Howling Commandos, they weave through treacherous adventures and face the horrors of war side by side.

"So here he was right now, walking to his death"


His blue eyes looked down to her 5'6 figure. Rosalie admired the what how his long brown hairs poked out of his small helmet. That she did noticed. She noticed how hers was way to large and his was way to small for his head. The girl took off her helmet and just stared at it, then she looked up at the man and smiled at him. "Wanna trade?" She asked.

Bucky took off his and looked at it as well. "Yeah. I think that's best. Plus, I'm getting a migraine." The two swapped their helmets. Once they put it on, they felt immediately better. Bucky could feel the headache go away and Rosalie could see without having to bump up the army helmets every single minute.

"Are you ready?" Rosalie asked in her soft country accent. It was barley there but Bucky could hear it. He almost melted at the sound of her voice. It was something to lift his dry spirits. "For the war, I mean." She said.

Bucky cleared his throat, hugging the gun, that he had taken out not just a moment ago, to his chest so hard he thought it was going to leave an imprint there forever. His eyes staring ahead at the hill he was going to be on top of in just a couple minutes killing Germans. "Yeah. I guess so. But, no one is ready for war. Are you?" He asked.

"No." Rosalie bluntly said. She watched as Colonel Thatcher waved his for more soldiers to enter the hill. "I'm never ready." She muttered to herself. She gripped her backpack straps as tightly as she could, so hard that her finger nails dug into her palm so hard that it started to bleed. She rubbed her pink nose. One of her nervous habits she did.

She watched as soldiers started to run in. Bombs. They already started. Booms were heard across those hills. Rosalie could already hear the screams and it made her shiver. She watched Oliver run into battle no problem as he was one of the first ones the she gazed over to Bucky who didn't even look her way, didn't even flinch. He just kept his stare at the hill.

Special Thanks to........


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