6|. An Awkward Car Ride

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THE QUIET FELT like impending doom.

Just kidding, I'm being sarcastic. But seriously, the quiet was very awkward. My older sister was driving the vehicle to where ever we were going while my youngest sat in the passenger seat, staring at her clothes for some reason. I gazed softly out of the window with pursed lips and dazed eyes. Once again, I was the odd one out, like always.

"You know, this is the first piece of clothing I've ever bought for myself." Yelena picked up the collar of her army green vest with black lining over many of the pockets as she smiled at it before she looked over to Natalia and then me, probably wanted approval from us.

The red head looked over to her youngest sister with a smirk, smacking her gum which made me a bit aggravated. "That?"

"What.... You don't like it?" With a frown, she turned to me with a questioning look. I just shrugged my shoulders without saying anything because I wanted to see how this was going to play out. With Yelena's softness and Natalia's sarcasm and aggressiveness, this wasn't going to end well.

Natalia smiled playfully. "Is that like a... Is it army surplus, or..." I picked up my feet and harshly kicked the back of my older sisters seat out of frustration. She stared into the mirror, looking at me with a stern older sister look that I mentioned earlier while Yelena gave me a somewhat grateful look before sticking her tongue out at the widow.

"Okay." Yelena rolled her eyes and threw her hands on her lap, already aggravated with the way her eldest sister was acting. "It has a lot of pockets. But I use them all the time, and I made some of my own modifications." I was smiling at the blondes excitement while Natalia was laughing at her, making fun of how she talked about her best, which was a bully move. "Whatever. Shut up. The point is, I've never... I've never had control over my own life before, and now I do. I want to do things."

The red head looked back and forth, complimenting on what to do. "I like your vest."

"I knew it. I knew you did! Marina?" Yelena celebrated in victory. Her gazed traveled over to me, probably expecting me to say the same answer as the eldest.

"It's cool. Very handy. I might want to get one." My hands fiddled with my dark brown hair, tightening the ponytail. A wince left my lips when I had tighten it a little to tight, causing my older sister to take a quick glance at me. When she caught my gaze, she quickly looked back, not wanting me to catch her.

"And you can put so much stuff in there." With one more glance at her best, Yelena placed her hands in her lap, looking out the window for a moment with her iconic thinking face. "I really don't know where the red room is. I'm sorry."

"Ehh. It's fine. We can figure it out." My legs dropped on the middle cubby as my arms stretched out with a yawn. The tiredness was overwhelming, and I tried my best not to give into it. I knew that my sisters would certainly make fun of me and never let it down, I didn't know if I snore or not and Natalia carried a phone with her.

"Stop it." The red head looked over to me with stern eyes, which I responded with an attitude look. "I know. But I think I know somebody who knows."

Confusion settled on my face as I listened to her. Who on earth knows where the invisible and unknown hell hole was? A part of me desperately wanted to ask who, but another part of me knew that I would not get answer no matter what.

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"We are going to need a jet."

"I bought a Fanny pack. That was my first purchase." I muttered aloud out of the blue. The blonde back at me, smiling softly. "It is blue with yellow rims around the pocket. Unfortunately it is at the apartment." My hands fiddled with the small brackets on my wrist, avoiding all the looks the two sisters gave me. They were my favorite bracelets though. I remember making them when I was six year olds with my younger sister and at that time that was all the rage and we just wanted to feel wanted, I guess.

"That seems very handy. I want one too." The blonde pressed the small window button on the door, causing the window to roll up and down. Of course, Natalia was absolutely annoyed by this and scowled. I found this amusing and started to tap my heels onto the middle console, smiling as I stared at the glass mirror to get the eldest reaction.

"Stop that." The red head complained through gritted teeth. Yelena and I took a quick glance at each other, smirking about how we won at the annoyance game.

But Natalia being her decided to smack on her gum. Was it on purpose? That I don't know. "Then you stop." She freed her left hand and pushed my legs off of the console, making them fall with a large pound and making me wince loudly. I growled at my older sister, anger bubbling on the inside.

"Couldn't handle it, Marnie?" Natalia lips turned upright when she twisted back slightly to look at me with an evil ish grin.

A frown crept upon my lips as I heard the nickname once again. "I don't know. Couldn't you Natalia?" The name made her frown this time as a smile made its way to my lips in victory.

"You know what!" Yelena abruptly yelled out of no where, scaring the heck out of Natalia and making her son on the brakes. Everyone jolted forward and probably had a heart attack with it to. We both looked over to the blonde and gave her scared, disappointed, and 'are you crazy' looks. "Keep on driving!" The youngest motioned forward.

"Geez." Natalia pressed gently on the pedals as she tried to steady her heart, along with me.

"Next person to call each other the name they hate has to........" Yelena paused, placing her finger on her chin as she sat deep in thought. The both of us, having that be Nat and I, sat patiently listening to the quiet. Well, she was patient, I was not. "Cut their hair to above their shoulders and dye it blonde."

I rolled my eyes at her suggestion while Natalia shrugged her shoulder, pursing her lips. "I think that's great. What about you Marn- Marina! Marina!" The red head, unfortunately to me, corrected herself before it was to late.

"What happen to your accent Natasha?" The blonde twisted her body so that it was parallel to her eldest sister's. Her eyes twitched and her eyebrows were raised as if she was in deep interrogation.

"Yelena, I was in America. I simply needed to fit in." Natalia gripped the steering wheel, keeping her eyes focused on the road as she listened to all the weird and abrupt questions her youngest sister was saying.

"Well at least Marina and I still have ours. Wait.. can I still use nicknames?" Yelena focused on me for a minutes.

With a deep laugh, I answered. "No! If Nat and I still have that deal, then you are in it too. But since you are already a blondie... You'll have to go full Brown." I beamed proudly at myself, crossing my arms as I rested my feet across the seats beside me. My eyes rested as I listened to my sister talk about something stupid, I wasn't really paying enough attention to what they were talking about.

"Are you sleeping?"

"No." I peeked my eyes open, finding my younger sister staring at me. "I'm just resting my eyes."

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