37|. The Red Room

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LIGHTS WERE FLICKING on and off on Marina's hand, the one her shaky left one was holding. Her green eyes intensely watched how the wires were poking out and how the metal was different colors now that it was crushed.

She was so focused on the pain that she could barely register the hand placed right on her back. Marina looked up to find James staring at her with furrowed eyebrows and eyes filled with pain and guilt. "Sorry." His shoulder length hair was covering his blue eyes and the guilt that was hidden behind them.

"I-It's fine. It was uh, bound to happen sometime, right? It wasn't structured right. He didn't do a great job to be honest." Marina's quivering lips turned up into a small smile. Her eyes never left her hand though. The shock was to great for her to deal with, all the pain and keeping the tears at bay was getting harder and harder to deal with. "I'm just angry that my cake is gone."

"Well, I can get you another cake, Mar." James said mindlessly, looking around the house as he did so. But what he couldn't see was Marina look up at the man, eyebrows slightly turned in out of curiosity. Mar? She asked herself. "So, uh... who is this dude coming over?"

When he looked down, the girl was still staring at him. Maybe a little to long might I add. Her mind were at other places, places she wasn't sure she wanted to be in. James started to say her name, but Marina was just drowning out all the sounds in the world.

"Are you ready soldier?"

The little girl looked up at the rather tall man. She couldn't understand, neither could any of the other widows. She never saw the winter soldier as a cruel person, not like the others. That's what Mr. Pierce had said was different about her, which the little girl didn't know if that was good or not.

The soldier grunted at the girl's question. They stood at the edge of the Red Room, ready for their transport to pick them up. The girl's blue eyes looked at him. How his brown shoulder length hid his face from her, something she wanted to see the most. She felt at home with his blue eyes.

"Stop staring at me."

The soldier looked over to he girl, his eyebrows furrowed as always. He always looked mad and furious. "I wasn't staring at you." The girl shrugged her shoulders and looked straight ahead, not even daring to look at him anymore. "Wasn't even staring." She mumbled to herself.

Quiet filled the area once more, even if it was super awkward for the little girl. "I'm suppose to remember something. Wasn't I?" She had a look of confusion wash over her face the same as the soldier once she had said what she had said. "There was something here that I wanted."

The girl turned around to look at the tall, infamous Red Room. The cold wind blew her brown waist length hair to the side along with her suit, it felt calming to her, but she paid no attention to it. "It was someone. Someone I loved. S-She felt like h-home to me." Her blue eyes looked down, before looking up again as a lightbulb went off in her head.

All the pieces were being put together. "Yelena." She whispered with wide blue eyes. Just as she realized that they had evilly tampered with her mind, doors swung open and out came multiple people including Madam B and Dreykov.

The soldier pulled out his gun that was on his holster and pointed it at all the people all while getting in front of the little girl. "Woah, Winter Soldier, this is very unnecessary. We have come for Agent 23. Change of plans, she is staying here with us for some more personal training." Dreykov's evil voice echoed throughout their minds.

"No." The short owed belonged to the soldier.

"Well, I'm afraid that's not an option." The evil man snapped his fingers allowing all his minions to run over to the little girl and grab her. Her screams were louder than expected, breaking the soldiers heart, the little he had left. Dreykov must have seen the soldier flinch, wanting to go rescue the girl from what they were doing to her, because he clicked his tongue. "No, soldier. She is staying with us."

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