41|. Blue Hair

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THE GIRL AND the soldier sat next to each other. Both their eyes closed as they slept on the cold, cold concrete. Tiredness seeped through their bones, yet they knew this couldn't last long. They were jolted awake by a loud sound of a door opening and many hard, loud footsteps entering room 223.

Mr. Rumlow grabbed the girl's arm, hoisting her up off the ground with her little legs dangling. She knew better than to fight back. Her green eyes her glued to his cold dark ones that were filled with unknown rage and anger. Suddenly, she heard some grunts and yelps in the back round, then she felt being put down by Mr. Rumlow.

The soldier was so angered by the sudden actions of Mr. Rumlow, how he picked up the girl so easily and looked at her as if she was something he could eat, that he took the nearest guard, stole his gun, and pointed it at the said guard. Everyone in the room had now pointed their weapons at the soldier, shaking throughout their bones.

"Don't touch her." The soldier grumbled. Rumlow, however, was quite amused by this. He walked right over to the girl and slapped her across the face without hesitation. The girl felt a burning sensation on her cheek along with tears strolling down her cheek. Yet, she showed no emotion, except for the tears.

"I will touch her all I want." Rumlow walked over to the soldier, looking him up and down as he did so. The soldier could see how yellow, how disgusting his teeth were. "Bring him to the mind wiping machine. Teach him some manners. Bring the girl as well, make her watch as punishment."

The girl looked up, terror filling her eyes and without warning, someone pulled her arm violently and started to drag her out of her room. "I can walk on my on." She spoke with venom lacing her throat. Rumlow looked back once to see what all the commotion was about but didn't care enough about it because he waved off the guard who was holding the girl.

She looked up to the guard with anger written all over her face, yet he looked like he didn't care whatsoever. As she began to walk down the long hallway to go to a place she has never heard of, another group of people walked by, one girl and one boy. The girl eyes held evil, yet terror in them. Her brown greasy hair was everywhere, her tan gown hung loosely on her body.

The boy had a smile on his face as he whispered to what seemed as his sister. His white striking hair made him instantly recognizable, which led the girl to wonder why the heck they let him keep the bright hair. He wore the same apparel as his sister but instead of gown it was a shirt and loose pants.

The two heard footsteps and looked up with their eyes wide open. They pulled to a complete stop. The girl glued her eyes onto them, how they seemed happy? Suddenly she felt someone tug on her arm, making her face forward. "Pay attention." With a grumble, the girl did just as she was told.

She was eventually led into a room she had never seen nor been in. On all the doors she had to go through in order to get to this room had a large sign on them reading 'Do Not Enter'. Plus it was tucked deep into the base so it was unlikely no one would have seen it.

In the middle of the room stood a random, lone metal equipment with a seat underneath it. This marked the girl's curiosity. Well, until the soldier was pushed into it very harshly. He acted as if this was routine and nothing abnormal came out of it. Next thing you know, the girl herself was pushed onto a little wooden chair in the corner, away from everything.

The door swung open to reveal Mr. Pierce with a dark green suit, his ego raised to the roof. He snapped his fingers and his goons brought him a rolly chair at his will. "So," Mr. Pierce started out. "Rumlow tells me you started to remember things. Want to tell me?" He asked with a smile, staring deep into the soldiers eyes.

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