18|. Family Drama

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HER ARMS BRUSHED against the clothes, throwing them into the duffel bag that was laying on her bed. She furrowed her eyebrows once she heard the footsteps behind her, she knew who they belonged to, she also knew how this would end.

"Where are you going?"

The words echoed through her small apartment. Natasha closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to the man who stood before her. They both had frowns on their faces, and deep down they both knew where she was going, but he didn't want to admit it. "You know, Steve." The blonde spoke silently.

Steve took a tired sigh, looking around the room frantically before looking back to the woman, searching her eyes. "Don't. You don't have to. We can- We can find her together." The soldier noticed the hesitation Natasha held, and decided to take a different approach. "Let me come with you, then. Let me help you find her."

"Steve. No." Natasha held up a hand, scooting away from the man, then turning back to the duffel pack to zip it up. "She's my sister, I have to find her first. As much as I love her, I can't have them kill her." She spoke softly.

"But she wants to kill you Nat. She wants you!" The Captain tried his best to reason with the woman in front of him, but to no avail, she just shook her head no, swinging the bag into her shoulders. They stood for a couple minutes in complete silence, Nat looking at the ground while Steve wanted to just yell at her for being the stubborn girl she is.

"I can't. She's my sister." The blonde woman finally spoke out, shaking her head No with despair. As Steve was going to speak again, Natasha ran out of the room and jumped through the window, shattering the glass.

She rolled on the ground and landed in her iconic pose. A whisper echoed through her ear, saying Poser, causing a chuckle to escape her lips. Natasha swung the bag around her shoulders again and started to run towards the black vehicle parked on the streets.

She quickly opens the door and hopped in, starting the vehicle and driving off. Before she left the property, the widow looked at the Compound once more, smiling lightly. She wasn't sure if she wasn't going to see it again, but she was happy. Her attention was directed to the map displayed on the screen in the middle of the console. Her fingers pressed a familiar name then gripped the steering wheel as she would do it for the next twenty two hours.

"Alright Rick, ready when you are."


The door to the car shut close, making the man look up at the woman. "Nice to see you again, you still owe me a jet." He said in his famous British as he titled his head. Rick Mason stood on the deck of his boat near Gulf of Mexico, Florida. The man had his hands in his pockets and he rocked back and forth on his heels, waiting patiently for Natasha Romanoff to approach him.

"I know. But, I'm not made of jets." Natasha chuckled. She took small steps, taking in the view of the beautiful ocean in front of her. Every time she found an Ocean, she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world, it reminded her of something.

"Ha. That's funny. Real funny." Rick pointed to the blonde in front of him. "Have you been practicing that?"

"Nah. Just rolled of my tongue." With a chuckle, Natasha walked onto the deck, pulling the man into a tight hug. The man patted the woman's back then pulled apart staring deep into her eyes to notice some discomfort and somber. The two stood in silence trying to read each others faces, Rick also failing miserably at it.

"I'm guessing your not here for a visit, are you?" Rick looked over to the top of his white clean boat, smiling as he said to himself, classic Natasha. The woman nodded and chuckled, copying the man's actions. "Ahh. Let's go in, yes?"

The two made their way inside. Rick, opening the door while Nat looked at everything that crossed her eye. The bed was messy as like every bed that he had, like every house that he had. But Nat kept reminding herself that he gets the job done. The man disappeared somewhere in the boat to get something while Nat sat at the table. Just the like the rest of the boat, the table was as messy as could be, having a bunch of money and files resting on it, and also a bowl of grapes.

Her fingers grazed a yellow folder and picked it, immediately opening it and reading it. It spoke of a Grey, Mary and how she frantically searched for Rick for a house. Nat guessed she got her wish by how the folder ended, so she plopped it back on the table.

Rick came waltzing g back it, carrying a similar folder as to what Nat had just picked up. He sat by the woman and smiled softly. "Let me guess. You are here for a certain Marina?" He asked. Nat leaned forward, desperation filling her eyes as she quickly nodded. "Ahhh. She doesn't want to be found. Told me herself."

"That's where you are wrong." Natasha spoke silently. "She knew I was going to come to you, so she picked you. You are easy to track down. She would at least try someone who is smarter than you and sneaker than you." The woman said with no filter.

Rick placed a his right hand on his chest and gasped dramatically, acting as if she had said the most horrible thing in the whole entire world. "I'll have you know that I am smart and perfectly capable of being sneaky Miss Rushman." The man handed the folder to the woman and leaned back in his chair, popping a grape into his mouth.

Natasha opened the folder reading from the very top as Rick spoke. "She goes by Mel Long. She booked a place up in Berlin, Germany. Asked her why, she said no questions asked. I did recognize her, she seemed devious though so I pretended to forget." The man dove into his pocket to fish something out. "Gave me this."

Natasha reached for whatever was in his hands and gasped softly to herself. She admired the red and black beads that made up the bracelet, one bead had the letter 'N' on it and she immediately knew what it was. She quickly crumbled it and put it into her pocket, standing up abruptly.

"Thanks Rick. Mind if I borrow a computer?" She asked searching the boat once more to find one already open for her, as if it was calling her name. Natasha was already walked towards it without listening to the response from the man.

"Sure, go ahead." Rick said sarcastically. "I'll be outside if you anything. Sounds like you got some Family Drama." He waved his hands in the air before he left the small boat.

Natasha then sat there for the next couple hours, searching for answers, searching for this person she so desperately needed to contact. Every time she would get a lead, it would almost die immediately, leaving Natasha all the way back to the start. At this point she was getting frustrated. It was like searching for a ghost, a person who did not exist. When I'm fact, Nat knew she exactly existed.

Then it dawned on her, her fingers frantically tapped the keys on the computer and finally it dung. Natasha sighed in victory and began to write a letter and record a video. She had hoped that this person would revive this video, Lord knows what would happen if she didn't.

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