38|. "Wheres the Fun in That?"

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BUCKY DOWNED HIS drink as quick as possible. These were one of the times he had wished he could drunk, but due to the serum, he couldn't. His hands gripped the tiny glass as hard as he could without completely breaking it. Sam was going on and on about how he disappears ever so often and doesn't tell anyone. And every time Sam mentions it, Bucky says:

"It's none of your business."

"Oh, it is." Sam laughed out of humor. "Listen, you know what Miller did? He decided to come up in my business and tell me how to run things. I put him in his place, but he is still coming at me. I'm about to swing a punch right in his face." The man punched the air and right after he took a long swig of his drink, making the back of his throat burn.

James looked at him from the side with eyes furrowed and a mouth turned up in disgust, a drink in his hand. "What happened to not being aggressive, Samuel?" He asked.

"Well...." Sam paused as him mind racked through every excuse that was in his Brian. "That was before Miller entered my life. Can't even hold the darn gun right and he is bossing me around like he is Nick Fury." After that, he continued to mumble some things underneath his breath, some that James heard but rather not repeat out loud.

After the hand incident regarding Marina, Bucky had busted her house everyday, even if it was just a drive my her house. In order to stay in Ohio for two weeks, Bucky gave an excuse to the rest of the gang and said that Fury was sending him on an important, secretive mission. Although, Sam would come out to Ohio every now and then to check in on him per request of Rogers and Steve.

Bucky stood still as another person sat down next to the two of them, his eyes focused ahead but occasionally peaking over to the person. Her blonde hair was woven into intricate braids all over her head, a brown coat wrapped around her torso, and there was a hung of earrings hooked around her ears.

"You are hard to find."

Bucky placed a hand in his holster all while looking over to the mysterious figure. Sam froze and looked over at her with a face that said how dare she interrupt his amazing his story that Bucky was ignoring. "And kill."

The lady shrugged her shoulders, waving over the bartender in order to get her drink. One thing that instantly caught their attention was her thick Russian accent that you couldn't miss. "Although, you did have an advantage. It was two against one, in the beginning however." Humorous. That's how she found this. That's how Bucky and Sam thought she found it as well. No one knew who she was, no one.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Sam asked. With a smile, he twisted the seat he was sitting on towards the lady. But none of this bothered James, he just sat there as he kept drinking his beverage as if everything was normal.

That's when the the lady fully faced them, her piercing green eyes concentrated deeply on the two of them. Sam became nervous underneath her intimidating stare. "I'm surprised, bird. I have very defining features." The woman took a swig of her drink, placing her feet on top of the counter, and ignoring the looks the bartender gave her. "You hurt my friend that night."

Sam looked over to Bucky, his brown eyes wide and his mouth slightly gaped in realization and slight horror. The lady must of seen this, because she chuckled and leaned back in her chair. "Oh don't worry, Sam Wilson. I'm not here for you. I'm here here for James Barnes. You should remember me, eh, Soldier?" At once her smiley, up lifting demeanor was changed into a serious at the mention of the man's name.

James sighed, leaning forward. "Listen, I'm not him anymore. I was never him and whatever I had done to you, I'm sorry." He spoke softly, lowly, and calmly. His apology, however did absolutely nothing at all. The woman broke out into laughter, which caught the attention of not only Bucky and Sam but many people around them, including the bartender.

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