39|. No Witnesses

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The girl eyes peered out of the window of their car to find their culprit having dinner with his family, a wife and two children. Her hand rested belt molding and she tapped the outside of the vehicle. "Let's go. Remember, no witnesses." Her once lively voice was now cold and dark, much different than it was two years ago.

All the soldier did was grunt in response and get of the car. The two were dressed in everyday citizen wear, which was much different from what they usually wear. Usually the soldier always wears black training gear while the girl always wears a thin gray tang top and some pajama shorts to match. The clothes were absolutely filthy and had holes in them as well. So they were of course surprised of new, clean, holeless clothes.

The two walked towards the house quietly. Thankfully, not a lot people were out of their houses, well except for a couple runners here, so they were able to keep it down low. The soldier walked up to the door with the girl closely following. He knocked on the door with a straight emotionless face as they both stood in silence as they awaited for him to answer.

"Hello. What can I do for you?" Mark Miller answered the door with a smile on his face and his brown eyes big. Behind him was one of his daughters hugging his leg as tightly as she could, with a smile identical to her father.

"We are with the health department and We need to search your home." The girl said with a straight face. She looked over to her partner, the soldier who nodded at her statement. Mark Miller seemed a little suspicious of the whole thing, but still, he let the two people into his house without asking questions, which was his biggest mistake.

"Don't mind us," The wife, Daisy Miller laughed aloud. "We are just having dinner. Didn't quite expect the health department coming over this late." Her eyes traveled over to her husbands, her smile faltering a bit as she did so.

The girl closed the door and started to search some areas of the house with the soldier but quickly stopped and called out Mark Millers name. He came rushing over to them eyes wandering form place to place with wonder. The soldier pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man who simply raised his hands and started to whimper.

"P-please. Please. I ha-have a family. I will do- do anything. J-just... please!" Mark begged the two staring into their eyes with wide ones. He got on his knees and started to shake his head No violently. He knew what the answer was going to be. He knew they were going to kill them first chance they got. But Mark just wanted a chance to survive. "Please Winter Soldier and Agent 23."

At the sound of the names the evil organization had given them, The soldier pulled the trigger. The bullet went through his head and blood splattered all over the place. The wife soon came running in, screaming bloody murder as soon as her eyes hit her husbands dead, unconscious body. The soldier shot her too. Three times. First in the heart, but she still didn't go down.

Daisy tried to attack the soldier and the girl, even if they were clearly a lot stronger than she was. Then the soldier shot her again in the heart, but she still didn't go down. Finally, a bullet to the head, the same place that Mark was shot at. The two laid side by side together, dead and blood seeping into their clothes.

"No witnesses." The girl muttered to the soldier. He knew what she was talking about. The two little girls that were still at the dinner table. The soldier and the girl walked into the dining room to look at the two left. The little girl who was hugging her father's leg, Mia, and the baby in the high chair, Rebecca, were silently looking at the assassins eyes. Fear was drenched all over Mia, even if she was seven years old, she knew what was happening.

The Crime of the WidowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ