"That's a nice story, Alex but we know how jealous you are of Janet."

"I'm not jealous of Janet. I envy her, but I'm not jealous."

"Even more motive for you to post those things."

"Guys, I swear. I didn't do it!" Alex stood up.

"How can we be sure?" asked Domo. She took a deep breath and sat down.

"Because I was...."

"What?" asked Gil.

"I wasn't even in the state when it happened."

"Where were you?" Alex looked down and played with her fingers.

"My mom has me go to therapy since that last post I made. She said I needed to get it together and at first I didn't want to, but then the therapist started helping me uncover some stuff. After a few sessions, she suggested I go away for a little bit to clear my mind and get myself together. So I did. It's this place in Arizona. I have some abandonment issues and I have to work through them."

"Really?" asked Domo.

"Yeah, my father did this coming and going thing while I was growing up so I've always latched onto people who show me kindness or love. I figured out that's why I was mad at Denzel being with Janet. He was the closest person I had besides my mom and I thought I was losing him. I realized that I pushed him away." She looked at everyone. "I'm planning on apologizing to Janet for being so mean and rude to her. She didn't deserve that."

"How do we know this is true?" asked Gil. Alex took out her phone and showed Gil the information that was on one of those medical record apps.

"At the bottom are my fingerprints and everything." Gil looked at it. "I didn't do that guys. Plus I don't have the money to fight whatever legal action would come from doing this."

"Well, that's true." said Domo.

"Of course it's true. This is Janet Jackson. Do you know the legal implications of this?" Everyone agreed. Gil handed Alex her phone back. She stood up and grabbed her purse. "Look guys, I'm sorry for how I've acted. It's not fair to any of you. I hope you guys can forgive me and I hope Janet can too." She went to the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Domo.

"I have to go pack. I only had a short break from the Mental Wellness Camp. I have to go back next week after I apologize to Janet. Bye, guys."

"Bye." Alex left out and it was silent.

"Do you guys believe her?" asked Guero.

"Yeah." said Domo. "I do."


"It just feels like too big of a story to be made up."

"True." said Whiley.

"Well, big stories can be made up too." said Allison.

"That's true." Gil thought to himself. It was something about Alex's face that held truth and he no longer believed that she did it. But if she didn't do it, then who did?

"Aww, well I hope you guys are having a good time." I said to Gil.

"Yeah, girl. We playing games and stuff."

"That sounds fun." Eissa moved around on my lap.

"It is. Hold on guys." I heard Gil around and a door close. "Hey."

"What's up?"

"We may need to rethink Alex."


"We confronted her about about the exposed pictures of you and she stands firm on the fact that she didn't do it."

"She could be lying, Gil."

"I don't think so. She said she was in this Wellness camp in Arizona and she showed me the documents. I believe her." I sighed. Gil is my best friend and he's never steered me wrong. I wanted to believe that Alex did this, but for Gil to be this sure there had to be some truth to it.

"Okay, Gil. I'll hold out hope that she's telling the truth, but if she's not I'm not holding anything back."

"I wouldn't expect you to."

"Good. Well Eissa's getting fussy. Let me get him down for a nap."

"Alright. Love you, boo."

"Love you too." I hung up and took Eissa into his room. I laid him in his bed and rubbed his back. He looked at me and I smiled at him. He was so precious. It was these times when I realized how hard I worked for him and how happy I was that he was here. He was the biggest light in my life.

His eyes eventually closed and he went to sleep. I watched him for a few minutes before quietly leaving. Going downstairs, I saw Denzel on the couch. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. "You good, baby?"


"I don't like that ehhh." I chuckled.

"It's just a lot. You know Gil doesn't think Alex is the one that released those pictures."

"Really? Then she must've had a hell of a story because to convince Gil is big."

"I know. He said she went to this Wellness place in Arizona." He sat up.


"Yeah. What's up?" He was quiet for a second.

"A couple years ago, I suggested she get some help and I helped her mom find this great place for her. She would never go because she felt like she didn't have an issue."

"So you believe her?" He sighed.

"Yeah. That means she finally hit rock bottom." He sat back. "Wow." It was quiet for a little bit. "But if it wasn't her, then who is doing all of this stuff to us?" We looked at each other.


Y'all think Alex is innocent? Or....

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