Chapter 22: Prep for D-day

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Hydro and Silver wore serious expressions, telling everyone that they needed to face them first if anybody dared to object! What a funny sight. They were doing everything so this line would continue and they could have peace of mind marrying their lovers!

However, his father tried his very best to appear calm, but his eyes betrayed him a hundred percent! That look on his face says he can't wait to boast about his son-in-law again.

One thing that I know about Father is that he really loves it when people praise him, look up to him, and say how lucky he is to have his sons. Now that another boast-worthy family comes along, his nose will surely reach the universe.

As I was lost in thoughts, Vand suddenly folded his knees in front of the three men I so loved in my life and stated his gratitude: "I promise you will not be disappointed. I will treasure Caesium and take care of him with my life on the line."

I appreciate the gesture, but I don't like the last words he said. No matter how much he loves me, it should not become a reason to exchange it with his life. I would never be comfortable with that. But if I were to be in the situation where I had to save Vand in exchange for my life... Oh, I'm a hypocrite.

I will also... disregard my life... to save him.

Pain and happiness at once ain't a good feeling at all.

He then turned to look at me, still kneeling as he took my hands. His eyes were straight at mine; he was nervous, as I could tell by his shaking hand. "Darling, I have no ring with me today, so I won't propose yet, but there is one thing I would like to say." He kissed the back of my hand and continued, "As long as I live, I will be your supportive confidant."

"Even if I act unreasonable?" I asked, obviously not serious about the words I said.

"Even if you act unreasonable, bratty, or spoiled," he said, standing up, and his height reminded me that I was shorter than him. "I would love it if you did, so I can spoil my darling."

That answer made me feel guilty. I was only joking, but he gave me the sincerest answer. The answer that any lover would want to hear. "En, you can spoil me rotten, my love." I was about to kiss him, but then Father had to clear his throat, reminding us that he was still there.

"Don't do PDAs here! My honey is out, and I can't, for the love of any gods, hold him in my sleep tonight!" My bitter brother Silver stomps his way back to the control center, and Hydro just looks at us and then holds his phone in his ear. I can hear his words while he is walking away: "I'm sleeping there tonight."

The other party might have ended the call after hearing it, but Hydro seems to be happy still.

Days passed like an express train, and my brothers were eager for Vand and me to have the wedding. I don't have any concerns about that, but I don't know if Vand was okay with it. Everything happens so fast, and he might get overwhelmed with it. What if he gets cold feet?!

We went to the store for a fitting. I brought with me a sketch of the design I wanted. I want it expensive but borderline simple and extravagant; I want it sultry but conservative; and I want to be the center of attention on the day of my wedding!

The sketch I gave was a mix of tuxedos, and all the way down was a skirt with a long tail following behind my back, all white with pure diamonds here and there. For Vand, it was military-type clothing in all white, but if people saw it they would not think that it was military-type clothing.

Last night, I showed him the design to see if he liked it. I can twist it, fix it, or even discard it if he does not like it, but my alpha said, "I will look extra handsome in this outfit." He said that anything made out of my love for him, he would surely accept it.

And he was actually looking forward to it.

It was just a messy design. I'm no professional, but I know what I want for my wedding!

When the store owner saw it, he smiled and calmly said, "We will do our very best to bring this lovely design to life." I love the attitude! Now, I can say that I trust them eighty percent for our clothes.

Next, we look for shoes, and finally, rings.

Vand asks my brothers and father if he will buy our rings. My family can do whatever they want to do with the wedding as long as I agree, but the rings... It should be his money.

I'm not worried if Vand can afford it or not. For rings, I don't care about the price value; all I want is to have the same ring as him with the same purpose. I can wear a ten-dollar ring as long as it contains the promise of our love together.

But to my shock, he brought me to a brand where rings range from twenty thousand dollars to eighty thousand dollars! I don't look down on him, but let's be honest here: twenty thousand dollars is already a high amount.

But I can't ask him if he was sure of what he was doing because it might hurt him or lower his confidence. "Let's choose a simple ring, okay? I don't want something with so many diamonds," I said, so he wouldn't buy an expensive ring from this brand.

But believe me, I love this brand. The way they cut their diamonds, the design, and how each one was unique are just so perfect in my eyes.

"We will choose the ring that best fits your lovely fingers, no matter the price." He held my hand as we walked side by side. He was happy and proud. "I said I would spoil you, so let me, okay?"

Aw. Why do I have such an alpha? Can I put him in my pocket and pinch his little ass at night? So cute and handsome in my double-eyelid eyes.


When we were done choosing, Vand took a black card and handed it to the staff assisting us. The staff's eyes sparkled in amazement, and my eyes sparkled in confusion. He had a black card?! What the fuck! I should use that card to buy a Macha latte!

"It is not the black card you are thinking, haha... I can't afford to get an invite for that. It is the new design of my bank; it looks cool, so I change the old one too. All my savings are in that card. But this ring does not even take half of it. Tsk."

Not half of it? Oh, cool. The ring costs seventy-five thousand dollars, honey! I guess he received high salaries before. My husband can feed me if my family decides to throw me away. Huh, I'm one lucky bitch.

"Let's use that card and buy a macha latte!"

Vand happily agreed, but he leaned on me and whispered words that made my whole body blush!

"... and a month's worth of condoms." 

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