Chapter 9: Forgive me

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Who would dare call me that?!

I lost my sanity and can't stop my hand from punching the molesters. I can't stop. My heart was so hurt that I couldn't feel the numbness in my hand. Luma's words ring inside my head like a broken CD: "You and Novy are alike. However, you are a sane lunatic, and Novy was purely insane."

I did not understand it before, but as time went on and more missions were given to me, a realization struck me. When I am angry, I can't control myself. Before losing my sanity, I could still stop Novy. I don't like blood or killing, but I don't stop myself from doing it.

Novy, on the other hand, takes pleasure from it.


Fuckers, don't call me darling! Only Vand was allowed to call me that! Filthy mouths like yours don't deserve it! He called me that name once, but it was already engraved in my heart. That word only belongs to Vand, and he's the only one allowed to say it.


An arm enveloped me and tightly grabbed me away from the unrecognizable faces of the three alphas. My arms stretched out, trying to reach the unconscious alphas. I wanted to hit them more, kick them, and punch them more until the pain in my heart evaporated.

Tears flowed from my eyes unconsciously while I continuously mumbled, "Filthy! Filthy! Only Vand can touch me... filthy." Even the unconscious side of me already considered Vand as my alpha. The wolf inside me screamed only for his name. Even if he is not my mate, he... Vand is the only alpha I want.

Feeling the arms embracing me, I flailed and screamed, "Let go! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Vaannnndddd!!!"

"It's me, Caesium. It's me." He flipped me to face him and wiped my tears. "It's me, darling. It's okay."


"En. It's Vand."

Then, like a switch clicked inside my head, I realized the state I was in: "They... they want to harass me. They wanted to touch me, and... and... I don't want them to touch me. They're filthy; they did not touch me. No, they didn't." I don't know if I sound sane, but I just want Vand to know that I was not touched at all.

It was obvious that I could defend myself and that the harasser seemed to be the one being harassed, or maybe it can also be seen that I had an adrenaline rush, which is why I was able to defend myself, but Vand only said, "You did well. I called the Chief; they will clean this one. Remember, it's me who punched them, okay?"

I nodded my head, but how will Chief believe that when it was me who had bruised knuckles and blood on my face?

Vand took out the handkerchief in his pocket and wrapped my hand in it, hiding the bruises and blood. "Let's go back to the car."

After a few minutes, Chief Zlato and Silver came. With so much worry on his face, Silver pushed away Vand, checking if I was injured. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Did you-" Silver saw my knuckles and, without saying a word, punched Vand in the face.

"Why is my brother hurt and you're fine?!!"

Vand stood there and accepted my brother's punch without defending himself. Silver can be a bit harsh when it involves me. The guy, even if he does not admit it, still had that lingering shadow of our mother's death. "How are you doing your job, huh?! It would have been better if you broke your face than my brother getting injured!"

Even if I want to speak, I can't. I am not in the right state of mind, and I might say things that will worsen everything. Azul's attack was still fresh in everyone's mind, and so I understood the fear and worry.

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