I shrugged before grabbing his hands, much like a psychic would.

"Hm . . ." I looked down at his palms and pretended to be in deep thought, and he waited expectantly. "You can drive."

"Oh shit!" He stood up with a shocked expression, only to turn to me with wide eyes. "That's true! How'd you know?!"

White mask rolled his eyes. "Because you were the driver."

"Shhh. Don't ruin the magic." I waved my hand in his direction dismissively, and Jisung was quick to nod along.

"But seriously, can we talk about what to do with you?" Seungmin seemed eager to get back on topic, and I sighed dramatically before nodding my head with a solemn expression.

"Sure. What's the verdict, teach? Suspension or expulsion? I vote for whichever is most lethal." Fox quickly brightened at my words, and I took note of that.

"We don't have many options. We can't just let you go, because while you wouldn't be able to do that much damage, it would still be a hassle to deal with if you decided to report us."

"I vote we kill him!" Fox nearly jumped out of his seat from how excited he got from his own suggestion, and he pulled a knife out of what I could only imagine to be thin air. I was quick to match his joyful expression, and I stood to show my own excitement.

"I agree!" Lix put his hand on my wrist and gently guided me back down, and the face he was making was a clear sign he didn't share the same enthusiasm. I pouted slightly as I once again was seated at the oak table, and me and Fox seemed to share the same level of disappointment.

"No. We don't kill innocents. And Jeongin, didn't we confiscate all your blades?"

Fox, or I guess Jeongin, was quick to hide the blade behind his back. "Yes, you certainly did. You must be hallucinating."

Seungmin rolled his eyes but ultimately decided to move on, and he turned back to me with a serious expression.

"We need to know more about you to make a better decision. Everything we thought we knew about you was all faked, and while we'll definitely do a more thorough investigation, we might as well just ask you ourselves. So, what is your name?"

I leaned on the table and rested my chin on my interlocked hands. "Hyunjin."




"Yes please." None of them seemed to find my joke as funny as I did, but I smiled shamelessly nonetheless.











"Significant other?"


Seungmin seemed to grow more and more conflicted as I answered all of his questions, and it was easy to understand why. He was trying to figure out if I had anyone who would look for me if I went missing, and while my answers should be a relief, most people would have someone. They probably thought I was lying.

"We'll find out whether or not you're being honest, you know that, right?" His expression became threatening, and I matched it with a calm smile.

"Good luck with that. All traces of me were wiped over five years ago." The room fell silent at my words, and I leaned back in my chair before making eye contact with Jeongin.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang