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(⚠️Warning: Description of corpses⚠️)

-Seungmin's POV-

The halls were packed as people moved in different directions, the sound of chatter and closing lockers causing a wave of nostalgia to hit as I continued to drag a disgruntled Jeongin through the maze of people. To most he looked blank, but thanks to the years I've spent learning how to read him, I could tell with only a glance that he was annoyed.

"Why do I need to go with you to lunch detention?" I looked over my shoulder as the hallway congested too much to move through, and he met my gaze with disinterested eyes.

"Because Felix and Jisung are following a lead, and the others are busy with classes. I'm the only one available to keep you company, so wherever I go, you do too." Even as I turned back to look in front of me I didn't miss the way he rolled his eyes, his moodiness getting the best of him as he followed my lead to an undesirable destination. What a brat. "Don't make that face, Innie. At least we get to see Hyunjin trying to control a group of students. That should be entertaining."

"Didn't he say lunch detention was empty yesterday?"

I hummed. "It's probably not gonna be that way today." I not so subtly shoved a girl out of the way as I guided Jeongin through the mass of bodies, and I could feel his gaze on the back of my head as he continued to ignore the people around us. He was doing a lot better than we thought he would, and though his brattiness had increased since we first arrived, Chan suggested it was his way of keeping calm in an uncomfortable environment.

"How are you so sure?"

My lips quirked up as I once again looked at him from over my shoulder, and I grabbed the handle of the art room's door before pushing it open. "Because today, people know that Hyunjin is the one in charge of it."

My dramatic statement was supported by the sight of a full class, gaggles of girls grouped up around the room as they talked amongst themselves. They all seemed a little too happy to be in lunch detention, and Hyunjin was visibly confused by the sight in front of him.

The poor guy was slumped in his seat as he seemingly racked his brain for an explanation, apparently oblivious to the admiring eyes watching his every move. For someone so skilled at reading people he was painfully oblivious to the crowd he had drawn in, but as he looked up to see me and Jeongin entering his classroom, he visibly relaxed.

He knew better than to treat us differently from the rest of the students, so while he obviously wanted to approach us, he kept himself in check and simply gestured for us to take a seat, much like he had probably done for everyone else that had arrived.

As soon as we had made our presence known the group of girls were no longer focusing solely on Hyunjin, and as we moved through the packed room, Jeongin stuck to me like glue. He was clearly uncomfortable with the eyes that followed us as we approached some of the few unoccupied seats that were left, and I glared at the people I caught staring as I angled myself to block Jeongin from their view.

Our hyung's weren't the only ones who drew the attention of the students, but while our hyung's were offered the safety net of being a teacher, the rest of us didn't have that. The student's were a lot more shameless around us, and didn't bother hiding their stares.

Jeongin ended up drawing the most attention, because for some reason, people seemed to find Jeongin's aloof nature rather interesting. He did his best to ignore those around him, but this only made them more persistent in their pursuits. So far it's only been a few dirty comments here and there, but it's already starting to escalate.

Felix was also struggling with this, though he dealt with it much better then Jeongin did. He was rather popular back when he was actually in high school, and easily fell back into the role of the attractive foreigner with a cute and bubbly personality. People were naturally drawn to him, and he was enough of an extrovert to not be bothered by it. He smiled at everyone he passed in the halls, and they never failed to smile back. He humored those who simply wanted to hear him speak in his deep voice, and he even allowed a girl to paint his nails during break. People seemed to love him, and it wasn't hard to see why.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Where stories live. Discover now