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(⚠️Warning: Murder and smut. . . my two favorite things⚠️)

I didn't think I would ever get used to waking up beside someone, but oddly enough, when I woke up to find Felix wrapped around me, my first instinct wasn't to panic. It was startling to see his face so close to mine when I wasn't even coherent enough to remember why he was in my room in the first place, but the warmth he provided was enough to make me not really care.

It definitely wasn't the worst way to wake up, and I found myself lazily messing with his hair as he continued to sleep. He looked peaceful, his long eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks making him look almost fairy-like. His freckles were on full display, which was unfortunately rare, and a soft breath periodically fanned out from his slightly parted lips.

I gently brushed away the hair that had begun to fall onto his face, a soft smile spreading across my lips as I continued to soak up the warmth that only someone else could provide. It was peaceful, to simply be in the moment and ignore the world outside. A part of me felt weird watching someone sleep, but I was too comfortable and too content to care enough to stop. However, all good things must come to an end, and after a few moments, Felix had begun to wake up.

I watched as his eyes slowly fluttered open, and as soon as he noticed my presence, a warm smile danced across his lips. Even the way he awoke was picturesque, the rising sun apparently taking favor of him with the way it seemed to brighten the colors around him. He yawned before rubbing the sleep from his eyes, one arm remaining securely around my upper body as he managed to pull me closer.

"Morning," he mumbled, his incredibly deep voice somehow sounding cute in his tired haze. Before I could comment on his morning voice he suddenly moved his face closer, and my eyes widened when he pressed his lips against mine.

This definitely wasn't the worst way to wake up, but while it was one of the sweetest and most tender kisses I had ever had the pleasure of sharing, the pure unexpectedness of it kind of threw me off.

I stiffened, less out of discomfort and more out of shock, and after a few seconds, he did the same. He seemed to come to a sudden realization as he quickly pulled away, his eyes blown wide in panic as he gaped.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did that!" He frantically pulled his arms away from me, the cold air an unwelcome replacement for the warmth he had previously enveloped me in. He was clearly just as caught off guard as I was, and he scrambled to get out from under the covers, almost as if my very presence burned him.

"Felix, it's fine. It was clearly an accident." Despite my attempt to calm him he somehow panicked even further, arms gesturing wildly as he frantically looked around him, as if looking for a sign on what to do next.

"It's not fine! I kissed you without consent! I cheated on six people! Who does that?!"

My expression remained calm as I watched him, my mind unable to provide words of comfort to the clearly distressed blond in front of me. He sighed heavily before crouching, his hands anxiously pulling at his hair as he stared intently at the ground.

"I have to tell them, right? I can't just hide the fact that I kissed someone else. That wouldn't be okay. But we have a mission today. What if telling them upsets them and they end up messing up on field? What if they end up getting killed because they're so distraught about me cheating that they lose focus? What if-"

"Aaaaaaand you're catastrophizing." I slid out of bed to join him on the ground, and he looked up to see me kneeling in front of him. "It was a simple mistake. One I'm sure the others will forgive you for. Sitting with guilt is a terrible feeling, and I've learned it's best to confront it as soon as possible. Oftentimes it's not as bad as you think it will be."

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